Queen Silver's evolving brain

...But of these sophisms and elenchs of merchandise I skill not...
Milton, Areopagitica
Except he had found the
standing sea-rock that even this last
Temptation breaks on; quieter than death but lovelier; peace
that quiets the desire even of praising it.
Jeffers, Meditation On Saviors
Blog Archive
- pity the poor immigrant
- http://www.newyorker.com/talk/content/?021209ta_ta...
- The Afternoon by Ken Smith{unquotably unbreakable ...
- Q. How long did the first U.S. Secretary of the Tr...
- Danziger
- The human cloning cult Clonaid says a human cloned...
- As more women from developed nations make their pr...
- Similarly, traditional excavations at the site ove...
- Ramses III
- The doctor described the medical case as "very rar...
- "Well, I guess I'm one of those NewAgers, but I'm ...
- "There are varying estimates on how long it would ...
- Happy Birthday! from all of ushere at home
- this need to dance, this need to kneel:-Denise Le...
- O Tannenbaum
- Luria's work suggested that the act of recovering ...
- Renegade spy David Shayler has left prison today a...
- Language is not a static phenomenon; it is constan...
- fromBy their works.....her tiny pride home to chil...
- Bill Frist, a close ally of President George W. Bu...
- THE BEAST 50 Most Loathsome People in America, 2002
- Tri-Dale Farm is owned by August W. Knispel and ha...
- Whatever his reasons, it appears that Hess had bee...
- "This is a good first step for the Republican Part...
- Yes, Kesey proselytized for drug use, and doubtles...
- Some callers to Boston's major homeless shelters b...
- Wiley gets it
- He measured the minimum extent of sea ice in each ...
- The 18 scientists hope to open up the bitterly pol...
- Mary rarely cries, and certainly not in public. Wh...
- At the restaurant, package guests are plied with m...
- In the US, British, Swedish and French hobo sign s...
- MARC:I remember being in Berlin the year the wall ...
- An ideogram used in the British system of hobo s...
- Some criticism is important in order to understand...
- With the election in October of leftist Lula da Si...
- Fears that the economy would suffer a "jobless rec...
- The tax deductions � a combination of longstanding...
- some pdf's from NEJM(newenglandjournalofmedicine) ...
- On Tuesday, Oakland became the 20th municipality t...
- It is vital in this to remember that the Bush admi...
- The national dance (tshikona) is played, and peopl...
- Although I am alone, Asivho vhasidzana! ...
- In the past there were schools for youths correspo...
- Leptiminus, a Roman site in Tunisia, and one of it...
- No title
- Our grandchildren will use phonographs everywhere;...
- to help build a centralized system to enable broad...
- from Immolations...God's intermediaries strip down...
- Kevin Kelly's put his money where his mouth is, an...
- blog explication
- JAY BOOKMAN ajc.com This war, should it come, is i...
- we were boys many of us had dogs we loved that lo...
- Infant rats are being decapitated and their heads ...
- The 15-nation European Union on Monday outlawed to...
- FRIST OFFENSE: Senator Bill Frist has a few proble...
- In November, as Congress finalized the legislation...
- Dr. Seuss's mother, also the daughter of German im...
- from Uzbekistan: A MEETING WITH THE U.S. AMBASSAD...
- Clinton Boisvert's assignment for his Foundation S...
- At the centre of human rights theory lies the prot...
- the White Singer
- Oil is leaking from 14 cracks in the Prestige's bo...
- It was illegal drugs, of course, being dealt or us...
- Canada is contributing an essential component of t...
- Prominent American writers such as Richard Ford, M...
- "Hong Kong's strength lies in its respect for the ...
- Sep. 12, 2002: Ric Lee, Leo Lyons & Chick Churchil...
- I have already gotten a great many communications ...
- Google takes a giant step forward
- Anatomical and genetic evidence points to Homo sap...
- ted rall nails it, again
- To see how you'd do as an announcer, say this swif...
- fromMy People ...Dressed as a shepherdess until I...
- As Indian casinos popped up like new housing devel...
- "OFAC has received information that the U.S.-Cuba ...
- Still, this is the U.S. Senate, a somewhat quaint ...
- Harlan Ellison just called me. I feel all warm and...
- The enormous interest in Kennewick Man certainly h...
- {I had this hypo/hypno-gogic input the other morni...
- The relevant questions are: Are humans affecti...
- It is time for Inuit and indigenous peoples everyw...
- {better minds than mine are silent with the immens...
- A Viridian Fragmentfrom the ecclesiastically respl...
- Henry Kissinger told President Bush on Friday that...
- {can't say 'nigger' unless you are one, but you ca...
- But you do occasionally show cutting-edge research...
- Brain scans did little to unravel these difference...
- {I heard from the other room a newscaster say thes...
- Between 1970 and 2000, the official infant homicid...
- LJ: You've been very involved in helping the world...
- Asteroid 2002 AA29 is only about 100 metres wide a...
- A petite 17-year-old, irate after seeing three men...
- The actor and director Sean Penn arrived in Baghda...
- The Pentagon is preparing to use anti-personnel la...
- ....and the women gathered near, whispering what s...
- After her husband, an assistant store manager in T...
- The collapse of union membership in America, from ...
- Helms, who along with Thurmond is retiring from th...
- In December of 1972, Apollo 17 astronauts Eugene C...