
...But of these sophisms and elenchs of merchandise I skill not...
Milton, Areopagitica

Except he had found the
standing sea-rock that even this last
Temptation breaks on; quieter than death but lovelier; peace
that quiets the desire even of praising it.

Jeffers, Meditation On Saviors



Infant rats are being decapitated and their heads grafted onto the thighs of adults by researchers in Japan.

If kept cool while the blood flow is stopped, a transplanted brain can develop as normal for at least three weeks, and the mouth of the head will move, as if it is trying to drink milk, the team reports.

The grafted heads could be "excellent models" for investigating brain function in human babies after periods of no blood flow, known as ischemia, they claim.
Arguing against patenting the Harvard cancer mouse, federal lawyers warned that such a move could send Canada down a slippery slope toward patenting human beings.

"If you start treating a living organism as a mere composition of matter, there's nothing to stop us from treating all life forms in that way," said Graham Garton, representing the Commissioner of Patents.

"The danger is that we treat everyone and everything like a product."

{notice how these satanic horrors are always followed immediately by the wonderful healing possibilities they lead toward. and that's the end of the debate. "we're draining the blood out of third-world children, but it's ok, because that blood can potentially be used to save the lives of Americans", or no, everyone, the lives of everyone, the lives of everyone else. everyone but the rats in the cages, the dogs in the cages, the monkeys in the cages, the chimpanzees in the cages, the cats the rabbits, the prisoners, the small brown men and women and their children in the shrinking cage of the green world. and of course it's a mark of strength the way the young men can absorb this nightmare image without flinching, so brave, and just get past it and go on because of course we have to go on, we need to do this we have to do this there is no other way now. we need the images of infant rat heads speaking from the legs of their elders, making nursing movements before they die, before their hosts die, before their necks are snapped by 'research assistants', and it's only a first step, soon we'll be able to graft the brains and skulls of the decrepit rich to the bodies of the, to the serial bodies of the, to serial bodies of the cloned young. bodies no one owns but the laboratories because they were created in laboratories. they're not really people. so it's not wrong.}

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