
...But of these sophisms and elenchs of merchandise I skill not...
Milton, Areopagitica

Except he had found the
standing sea-rock that even this last
Temptation breaks on; quieter than death but lovelier; peace
that quiets the desire even of praising it.

Jeffers, Meditation On Saviors



{I had this hypo/hypno-gogic input the other morning. a voice, and it's a difficult to describe aspect of those kinds of voices but they have a charcater beyond things like timbre and tone, a color, a pictorial aspect almost, so this guy's voice was like those Mormon/dweeb/boy-scout guys that are still so prevalent here. righteous, clean-living, and irredeemably psychotic. and the voice says: "you will die in a coma". so I've been thinking about that for a while.

something else I've been thinking about is the topsy-turvy-ness of things. the persecution of 'bad people' by a clot of men who are responsible or are themselves heirs to the benefits accrued by those responsible, for the death of the human race and most of the mammalian branch of the tree of life. a few things are most obvious about that:

  • the crime itself will never be provable, because once it's been done there won't be anybody there to argue about it.
  • until it does become an accomplished fact anybody worth their salt will be working to prevent it, which requires a refusal to admit its existence or inevitability.
  • the aforementioned clot will do everything in their power, which is a lot, to shift the blame and cloud the issue. e.g. 'we all did it, by driving our cars'.
  • the people at the forefront of the scientific disciplines most able to determine the accuracy of this unprovable-until-it's-too-late crime will be traumatized by it. the closer they are the more speechless most of them will be
  • once again we seem to have a circumstance in which the advantage is to evil. good people will be hampered by shock and the truncation of their connection to future generations, while the selfishness which has caused all this will be increased in intensity by the narrowing of its time frame down to the most immediate moment, as the future becomes less and less likely.}
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