
...But of these sophisms and elenchs of merchandise I skill not...
Milton, Areopagitica

Except he had found the
standing sea-rock that even this last
Temptation breaks on; quieter than death but lovelier; peace
that quiets the desire even of praising it.

Jeffers, Meditation On Saviors



{a server hiatus results in:


The man in charge of finding out how 3,000 Americans were murdered on Sept. 11, 2001 was himself charged with homicide on Sept. 10. A civil suit filed in U.S. federal court by the survivors of Gen. Rene Schneider of Chile the day before the planes hit, claims Kissinger, while Nixon's national security advisor, ordered the 1973 murder of their father, a liberal general loyal to the democratically-elected president Salvador Allende. The murder triggered Allende's overthrow, and ushered in the brutal dictatorship of Auguso Pinochet.

As Christopher Hitchens writes, "Every single document in the prosecution case is a U.S.-government declassified paper. And the target of this devastating lawsuit is being invited to review the shortcomings of the 'intelligence community?'"

Of course, Kissinger's role in and subsequent cover-up of the Allende coup is just one chapter in his blood-soaked record of un-elected "public service." His appointment to head the 9-11 commission is being heralded as the cap on the crown of his "distinguished" career that includes a Nobel Peace Prize and a hand in scores of major decisions in post-war American foreign policy, from the illegal bombing of Cambodia to urging support for murderous regimes in Indonesia and El Salvador.


One by one, in the dead of night, they push ghastly, rotting fingers through dank earth in an effort to grasp something solid and pull themselves up from moldering graves, figures of long-dead flesh, blank-eyed, capable of no feeling save an unnatural hunger that animates and drives them shakily forward. They are the gruesome remains of an earlier time, mysteriously returned to life, once more to exercise their malevolent influence on the planet. They are the Bush appointments -- Cheney, Rumsfeld, Reich, and Poindexter.

And now we have the decayed bulk of Henry Kissinger again lurching into Washington.

Kissinger has been reanimated and assigned to study the causes of what he himself helped create, terrorism.

Well, you might say, if police can use a skillful, lifelong criminal to understand a crime, as they often do, why not use a grotesque monster to understand monstrous events?


Google can feel the reverberations of such events, and others of a more serious nature, immediately.

On Feb. 28, 2001, for example, an earthquake began near Seattle at 10:54 a.m. local time. Within two minutes, earthquake-related searches jumped to 250 a minute from almost none, with a concentration in the Pacific Northwest. On Sept. 11, searches for the World Trade Center, Pentagon and CNN shot up immediately after the attacks. Over the next few days, Nostradamus became the top search query, fueled by a rumor that Nostradamus had predicted the trade center's destruction.


Giraldo Del Pino, it turns out, is 16 - one of Cuba's new breed of "emergent teachers".

The Cuban government's response to soaring class sizes and a shortage of people entering the profession was to declare that from September this year no class would have more than 20 children and that it would seek 20,000 extra teachers from the ranks of 16- to 18-year-olds. They teach while carrying on with the equivalent of A-levels. Starting in the capital, Havana, which faced the worst problems, the initiative has meant a huge building and refurbishment programme over the past two years as well as a recruiting effort.

In its boldness the strategy recalls the 1961 literacy campaign in which the new revolutionary government of Fidel Castro set out to eliminate illiteracy in a year, mobilising more than 200,000 volunteers, including many school and university students, to work alongside the peasant farmers, teaching them at night


The final assignment of the "pupils" was to write a letter to Castro and these have been lovingly collected at the museum, including the childlike scrawl of an 86-year-old man. He wasn't the oldest though - she was 106 and her 14-year-old granddaughter was one of the teaching volunteers. One wrote: "I never felt Cuban until I learned to read and write." Castro and Che Guevara were not just teaching people to read, they were forging a nation.


Last year, after September 11, while the justice department announced a sweep of terrorist suspects, Cubans convicted of terrorist offences were being released from US jails with the consent of the Bush administration, according to the book, Cuba Confidential: Love and Vengeance in Miami and Havana, by Ann Louise Bardach, the award-winning investigative journalist who has covered Cuban and Miami politics for the New York Times and Vanity Fair.

The Bush family connections go back to 1984 when Jeb Bush began a close association with Camilo Padreda, a former intelligence officer with the Batista dictatorship overthrown by Fidel Castro.

Jeb Bush was then the chairman of the Dade county Republican party and Padreda its finance chairman. Padreda had earlier been indicted on a $500,000 (�320,000) embezzlement charge along with a fellow exile, Hernandez Cartaya, but the charges were dropped, reportedly after the CIA stated that Cartaya had worked for them.

Padreda later pleaded guilty to defrauding the housing and urban development department of millions of dollars during the 1980s.

The president's younger brother was also on the payroll in the 80s of the prominent Cuban exile Miguel Recarey, who had earlier assisted the CIA in attempts to assassinate President Castro.

(Case Details: In 1986, a federal government task force was established to investigate charges of corruption and fraud on the part of Miguel Recarey, Jr. Recarey was then head of International Medical Centers, America�s largest health maintenance organization. During its peak years, International Medical Centers received three-hundred sixty million dollars a year in U.S.- government Medicare funds. In April 1987, the first indictment was returned in Miami, Florida, against Recarey and three co-defendants for conspiracy, bribery, obstruction of justice, and illegal wiretapping. Five months later, Recarey fled the U.S.)


In July this year, Jeb Bush nominated Raoul Cantero, the grandson of Batista, as a Florida supreme court judge despite his lack of experience. Mr Cantero had previously represented Bosch and acted as his spokesman, once describing Bosch on Miami radio as a "great Cuban patriot".

Other Cuban exiles involved in terrorist acts, Jose Dionisio Suarez and Virgilio Paz Romero, who carried out the 1976 assassination of the Chilean diplomat Orlando Letelier in Washington, have also been released by the current Bush administration.

The current administration also maintains a hard line on the continuing Cuban embargo despite the urgings of many in Mr Bush's own party to end it. The president's adviser, Karl Rove, "has urged him to fully accommodate hardliners in return for electoral victories for both his brother and himself", Bardach's book says.


ATONEMENT: A curious example of god's justice, by which he caused his son to be murdered in order to save the world from satan. Satan got off without a scratch, and the world is not yet saved.

MONEY; Being the "root of all evil", the church protects her communicants by relieving them of the care of the same. She deeply resents having this burden removed from her sacred shoulders.

MOTHERHOOD: If licensed, sacred; if virgin, holy; if unmarried, immoral, obscene and vicious.


It has been documented that women were admitted to the Magdalene asylums after they were orphaned, had children out of wedlock, or were simply "too pretty".

Mullan got the idea for the film after seeing a documentary about how the women were subjected to physical and mental abuse but still managed to offer some resistance.

The last Magdalene asylum was closed in 1996

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