
...But of these sophisms and elenchs of merchandise I skill not...
Milton, Areopagitica

Except he had found the
standing sea-rock that even this last
Temptation breaks on; quieter than death but lovelier; peace
that quiets the desire even of praising it.

Jeffers, Meditation On Saviors



If smaller worlds have smaller worlds running within them, however, there has to be a platform that runs the first among them. If the universe is a computer, where is it running? Fredkin says that all this work happens on the "Other."

{I don't want to get sidetracked by this. but it does fascinate. Fredkin was one of the first thrills of my early net experience, way back in 1999. yep. actually the summer of, my whole back and forth began with this digital stuff. got a email acct. hotmail style Dec 31 of that same year. but I've been puttering in Cosmology since I was a teenager, decades back. and it must be important to me, because I get seriously pissed-off at the woebegotten nonsense that other individuals make careers out of dispensing. Kelly says there has to be a platform. and it passes without proof, because it needs none because everybody knows there has to be a first platform. I stifle now the urge to be profane. there is no need for first platform, there is no need for limits to the universe, garbage of sad unfilled minds, a trick I think, played long ago on some befuddled mammal, to become an almost cognizant subject of what is now shown itself to be an evil process of unenlightened technical progress. sorry but that's what it looks like.
while all these abstract professionals dicked around debating Stephen Hawking's latest grab at the big picture, we got sold into slavery. I don't think it had to go that way. the illusion of primacy, deistic, quantum, or cybernetic, and especially the need for it, is a result of the system doing the observing being unable to negate itself, the survival modality over-riding the open mind.
drugs can help with that sometimes. but quite often they expose the naked self to the elements of infinity, and you can end up blue and shivering, hypothermic in your soul. this shit is like listening to a bunch of 70's ski-bunnies around the lodge fireplace talking about Everest. calm, reasoned arguments, hands warmly holding mocha lattes.}
{{then there's Steven Spielberg on TV. a good guy seemingly, bright and etc. etc. he says something to the effect that mathematically it's inevitable that there would be 'higher' life forms, more intelligent life forms out there in the vast reach of galaxies. the base idea being the million monkey thing. the typewriters. the Bible. Shakespeare. but that's not it. we're not talking about a vast reach of galaxies ultimately. we're talking about an infinity of universal space existing through eternity. that's infinity stretching in all directions, a global outbound forever mapless real space. existing without having any beginning. going forward toward no ending. and that's the physical universe that we're familiar with, in the sense of this local system of sun and panets and galaxies and all. that's not even approaching the very probable reality of those components we're familiar with combining at some unimaginable level to be something else. the way our atoms combine in us. and then combining again through an infinite series of combinations. it doesn't stop. you want it to, you need it to, the big thinkers all do to, but it doesn't stop. ever. and the most tingling of all is the interior, the down there, the infinite series of smaller and smaller breakthrough realities of micro-further. which is why I get upset, pissed -off, there's something dark, proprietary, and manipulative about all this quark-as-the-last-bit, or next-to-last, nonsense, not that there isn't stuff down there, but for a while they kept announcing the last one, the final final. it became like some secret handshake, some exclusionary shibboleth, a way of weeding out the children of the lower classes from the stellar country club.

what most puny earthlings don't seem to be able to get is the base of the formula. infinity. infinity doesn't mean very very far. infinity doesn't even mean as far as you can get. infinity means there is no other end. and in this context, in any direction. the illusion is the illusion of size generated by being. I am here. I am this size. therefore everything else is either bigger or smaller, nearer or farther away. that's real but it's subjective horseshit too. it's what I meant above about the inability to negate the self. it's the same with eternity. not a long long time. forever. it seems like people just can't get hold of it. especially if you start talking about the whole thing. not eternity from here on out. not infinity from here on out. both ways. all ways. forever. for keeps. this thing is way bigger than you'll ever get going one step at a time, no matter how big you are.}}

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