
...But of these sophisms and elenchs of merchandise I skill not...
Milton, Areopagitica

Except he had found the
standing sea-rock that even this last
Temptation breaks on; quieter than death but lovelier; peace
that quiets the desire even of praising it.

Jeffers, Meditation On Saviors



Oddly disjunct but related thoughts and notes:
Amy Goodman shines brightly - watching the couple of minutes she had to question the St. Paul etc. police official Commander Captain General Whatever Acceptable Forgetableface, her tone was impeccable, not a trace til the very end of deep distrust and revulsion at the cynicism and professional horseshit she was being offered in response to her righteous testifying, and even when it showed it was restrained, dignified - what powerful self-discipline she showed by that.
This via Free Speech TV, where also Scott Ritter and Ray McGovern were seen. McGovern doing a great George Carlin delivery, Ritter a little slick a little over-ego'd.
Scary thought when one of them talked about the unlikeliness of the pigs opening another front, this time against Iran, that the Marines are already over-committed, the Army's stretched too thin as it is, and Obama's promised to pull them out of Iraq and at the DNC the interviewees were all "redeploy" "redeployment" "the need to redeploy" "need for redeployment". The US Air Force under its born-again leadership is still pretty capable of mass-murder on a grand scale though.
So heads up Afghanistan.
Except - enter scary thought here - how easy it will be to gear up for that, get the rubes ready for it, then have some false flag event in the Gulf, loss of life destruction of ship, like the USS Liberty only without the obviousness of who's behind it, so it can be repurposed as trigger. Then the pull-out continues and the redeployment continues, except that it involves a simple redirection of that "redeployment".
Troops already leaving Iraq sent, instead of to Afghanistan, south and east to the Straits of Hormuz and southern Iran.
Once you've got your proxy army on the march it's a lot easier to shift them quickly to a different objective, much easier than getting them rolling from a standing start.
Afghanistan or Iran, or even southern Russia come to that.
The American people consumers are so browbeaten now they'll accept anything that promises to quiet things down, OR heat things up to the break.
There's that itching painful tension like a massive zit or a boil or something, all that pressure and the wrongness of it wanting release, the squeeze and pop.
The pigs are ready, the people consumers are ready, all that's left is the removal, or neutralization by more complex means of conscience-driven pains-in-the-ass like Amy Goodman and the kids on the street in St. Paul.
How to combat the rabidly contagious cynicism of the pigocracy?
Everybody knows there has to be a big reduction in human biomass, yet nobody sane wants to engage the process out front.
Behind the scenes it's all prionic half-logic and delusional rationality.
The spirits that drive these creeps are themselves delusional.
A fracturing of the paradigm, that spirits can be ill, tricked, mad, filled with wound-hormones and bad ideas, even suicidal.
Suicide-prone immortals would be a subset of the higher entities that little humans might best avoid.


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