
...But of these sophisms and elenchs of merchandise I skill not...
Milton, Areopagitica

Except he had found the
standing sea-rock that even this last
Temptation breaks on; quieter than death but lovelier; peace
that quiets the desire even of praising it.

Jeffers, Meditation On Saviors



It's a serious thing I know. But it's true, and it's real, and it's only going to get more bizarre and unpleasant.
Jimmy Carter's on record as having said,
"I think the basic reason was made not in London but in Washington. I think that Bush Jnr was inclined to finish a war that his father had precipitated against Iraq. I think it was that commitment of Bush that prevailed over, I think, the better judgement of Tony Blair and Tony Blair became an enthusiastic supporter of the Bush policy."
Which will have at least some impact on both Bush and Blair as they run for re-election. But it doesn't work.
It's a stretch, but you can see someone as ignorant and unlearned as Bush going after Saddam because of some confused oedipal resolve; but Blair? Because Bush was asking him?
What? Are they lovers? Is Blair so obsessed he'll do anything Bush asks him to do, including risking British lives, increasing the likelihood of terrorist attacks on his own country, sacrificing British soldiers' lives, and the global reputation of England?
Blair, a man with enough political intelligence to become the prime minister of England, was willing to sacrifice his own reputation and that of his party, and more incredibly, his own place in the written history of his time, because Bush asked him to.
It's absurd.
He was pressured, and intensely. But by whom?
There's only one answer that fits, and it fits across the board, it answers every question about the invasion from the beginning to the present moment, including the still unexplained ransacking of the Museum of Antiquities.
And look who's waiting in the wings, playing Kerry to Blair's Bush.
But to know that you'd have to know something about British politics, and Americans don't.

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