
...But of these sophisms and elenchs of merchandise I skill not...
Milton, Areopagitica

Except he had found the
standing sea-rock that even this last
Temptation breaks on; quieter than death but lovelier; peace
that quiets the desire even of praising it.

Jeffers, Meditation On Saviors



US Public Opinion on Homosexuality -- Nature or Nurture?
In your view, is homosexuality--something a person is born with, or is homosexuality due to factors such as upbringing and environment?

Gallup Poll/Roper Center for Public Opinion Research May 5- May 7, 2003

Ω{The givens are a little murky there. Homosexuality being...sexual attraction to same gender?
And gender is...what kind of genitalia you're born with? The taboos break down but one of the last to go is fixed gender polarity. There are people who are full-specimen male who respond sexually to other males. That's one thing. There are nominal males with external male genitalia but a majority of female secondary sex characterisics, some of whom respond to males, some to females, some to both. That's another thing.
It's like the one-drop rule, it gets adopted by everyone even though it originated with illogical racists.
So Colin Powell is black.
There are people who are born with both genitalia in varying degrees of development, and there are people with "DNA chromosome karyotype of 46 XXXY (mosaic)" but they get marginalized in this shrill hysterical debate.
They're just as real as anyone else. Tiger Woods isn't black except to racists and people who adopt racist systems of classification. Bisexuals aren't homosexuals. Intersexuals aren't homosexuals. But they all get taken to the same camp on the same train.}

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