
...But of these sophisms and elenchs of merchandise I skill not...
Milton, Areopagitica

Except he had found the
standing sea-rock that even this last
Temptation breaks on; quieter than death but lovelier; peace
that quiets the desire even of praising it.

Jeffers, Meditation On Saviors



The problem is at home. That's the reality.
The latest in spy gadgets available in Australia are being marketed to anxious parents.
They include a computer device and software that can record email and chatroom conversations and a clothing spray that can tell if teens are having sex.

Danielle Teutsch/Sydney Morning Herald Oct.05.03
link Monk
Ω{For when it's dark. (rimshot)
A lot of us were raised with the idea of a divine presence that was 'always-on'.
It keeps looking like some other presence is building itself a prosthetic divinity through technology. All-seeing all-powerful all-knowing. Completely disgusting though.
That's the problem. Risk aversion's total safety is non-existence.
It's just a long slide toward death, not-being. Cowardice is an effective strategy for short-term individual survival. But it doesn't work in the long run. Unless you define the long run as the extent of your own existence, then it works.
That moral formula is being applied everywhere right now. The refusal to submit to the grace and grandeur of something that doesn't need you, that you need. Turning the world upside down so your own topsy-turvy reality makes sense.

I saw this cat one time, with a rope around its neck, tied to a picnic table in 100+ degree weather, no water within reach. I was squatting down next to it, untying the rope, this woman comes rushing out of the house yelling. I stood up and explained to her that the cat was suffering and could well die. Her response was she didn't want it to run away. That it might get hurt, that the world was dangerous and this way she knew where it was.

Keep in mind the arguments these people make, the images of horror and terror, the justification for surveillance and security coming right behind the images of violation. More children die in traffic accidents than by any other cause, keep that in mind too.}

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