
...But of these sophisms and elenchs of merchandise I skill not...
Milton, Areopagitica

Except he had found the
standing sea-rock that even this last
Temptation breaks on; quieter than death but lovelier; peace
that quiets the desire even of praising it.

Jeffers, Meditation On Saviors



  • Every year over 250,000 people commit suicide in China; this represents one-fourth of the total number of suicides in the world.
  • Ever 2 minutes in China, a person commits suicide.
  • Over 2,000,000 people attempt suicide in China every year but are unsuccessful.
  • Suicide is the number one cause of death in China among people 15 to 34 years old.
  • Chinese living in rural areas commit suicide 3 times more than those in urban areas.
  • Chinese women commit suicide 3 times more than men.
  • 28% of Chinese suicides have never had formal schooling of any sort.

    hmmn Nov.25.0
    link :::wood s lot ::: Mar.03 archives

    {I can't find any links to the "Beijing Psychological Crisis Research Center" which he quotes these numbers from. The post is a long good one, mostly about the Japanese suicide rate, which is prety much double the US. Made me wonder if a difference in the 'soul' program of christian/buddhist/shinto upbringing was a main cause of the difference. The idea being that reward or punishment doesn't really apply to the suicide. The value system of christianity gives lip service to the afterlife but its practice is all about earthly reward and punishment. The suicide side steps all that as it were, death is seen as punishment, but seeking death being wrong, the punishment is built in to the act, but there's no pat on the back or slap in the face at the end that way, the whole process is abstracted from the mix. The buddhist idea of sacrifice of the illusionary self-being, being a contradiction to that sense of individual trial and judgement. Western stress on the actor, eastern on the act.}

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