Ω{That bit about the proxy there is what Friedman's talking about, it has to be because there's nothing else in the speech that could even be spun into "shameful anti_Jewish slurs". Unless it's a different speech he's talking about, or I didn't get
the whole transcript.
This is a difficult point to argue without either documentation or testimony, in the case of positive proof; or, in order to disprove it, a knowledge of the inner workings of global politics that's beyond the grasp of almost anyone.
But a few readily available facts would seem to bolster the Muslim claims of Jewish influence.
Bill Gates is the richest man in the world, also, ipso facto in America. Mikhail Khodorkovsky is the richest man in Russia, or was. The most powerful figure in the American economy is Alan Greenspan. One of the most if not the most powerful media figure in the world is Rupert Murdoch. I don't know enough about Russian names to recognize the name Khodorkovsky as ethnically Jewish or Russian. Greenspan is a Jewish man with a Jewish name. Gates and Murdoch are Jewish men with gentile names.
I'm not saying these guys even know each other, I'm certainly not suggesting they meet in some underground bunker in Transylvania and plot the course of the world's economies. But they are powerful men, and they are Jews according to Talmudic law.
The discovery of these facts and their complete absence from the public discourse means that men like Lyndon LaRouche, whose work I know almost nothing about, and other more marginal, less coherent and more irrational voices are turned to for understanding, by common people in America, and the Arab world. Once the break with the mainstream media gets made.
Because all there is is the pablum and nonsense of men like Friedman and so many others in the media, in America at least, and the 'underground', the relative darkness outside the television's circle of light, where the truth mixes indistinguishably with untrackable rumor, hysterical fear and irrational prejudice, and paranoid fantasy.
The skills necessary to use the internet for the same purposes people turn to the TV news are beyond the abilities of the average American, and that alone is a major indictment of someone.
When I try to put a name with that I run into the same block a lot of people do-who is it?
You can't say 'the Jews', it's ridiculous to say that. It's whoever it is Friedman's aligned with, and let me make this idiot-proof, I am not saying whoever it is Friedman
says he's aligned with, this isn't a game where you choose sides, or the team you root for. This is the fate of humanity, the face of humanity even more accurately, the course of human evolution.
You are aligned by the nature of what you are as a living being.
The only thing I can think of that's more serious is the idea that at some point given enough time and enough moral decay, some group of far-future scientists might decode the architecture of the universe itself, and figure out a way to tear it apart. That prospect, and, given the current state of
applied scientific discovery, its likelihood, is the silver lining in the various end-world scenarios current events generate so frequently.
Friedman self-identifies as a Jew, and there's an obvious validity to that. But Yitzhak Rabin was adamantly a Jew, and he and Friedman have little in common. I am not going to list the hundreds of people I admire respect and love who are Jews, my credibility isn't at stake here, Friedman's is, and Friedman has in his turn accused Mahathir Mohamed of what's called, in english, anti-Semitism.
One of the most damning confirmations of Mahathir's statement is that it's absolutely forbidden to discuss it in public as a debatable issue. And Mahathir himself slips into the terms of confusion, as though the same people who suffered and died in the Holocaust are now 'running the world'. That's the scam in a nutshell. As though there were no finer distinctions to be made. As though Allen Ginsberg was part of a conspiracy to dominate the globe. The terms of the argument have been set up so no argument is possible. It's the article, the 'the'. It denies the most vital component of the whole mess room to move. There are other Jews. Friedman denies this, Sharon and his psychotic legion deny this, and on the other side the arab fundamentalists and the neo-Nazis deny it as well.
I could never say the things I'm saying here in a public place in America, regardless of my background, or my rhetorical ability. The subject matter alone means it's taboo.
These are simple facts, and they point to a simple truth, and it's a scary one. Friedman's just a noisemaker; a powerful one, but not directly. He's the voice of a darker power that hides itself in plain sight.}