
...But of these sophisms and elenchs of merchandise I skill not...
Milton, Areopagitica

Except he had found the
standing sea-rock that even this last
Temptation breaks on; quieter than death but lovelier; peace
that quiets the desire even of praising it.

Jeffers, Meditation On Saviors




"This illustrates to me the true nature of the men we have detained here," says Navy Rear Adm. Harry Harris Jr., overall commander of operations at the detention center for 460 detainees. "They are dangerous men and committed jihadists willing to die and order others to commit suicide."
In a series of disruptions spanning 18 hours across the prison camps here on Thursday, four captives staged suicide attempts and briefly fought U.S. guards with light-bulb shards, broken fans and metal bars they had ripped from their prisoner-of-war-style barracks.
At one point, to quell a five-minute brawl between 10 detainees and an equal number of soldiers, a U.S. Army rapid strike force fired pepper spray and rubber bullets.
Adm. Harris said the guard force charged inside a medium-security, POW-style barracks last night after suspecting a detainee inside of staging a suicide attempt.
CarolRosenberg/MiamiHerald 19.May.06
Three detainees at the U.S. military detention center at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, hanged themselves with nooses made of sheets and clothes, the commander of the facility said Saturday.
Harris and Craddock said no riot or uprising accompanied Saturday's suicides.
Harris said detainees have been spreading rumors around the prison's camps that it would take three suicides to garner international attention.
To help prevent more suicides, guards will now give bed sheets to detainees only when they go to bed and remove them after they wake up in the morning, Harris said.
Craddock said the three had left suicide notes, but he refused to disclose the contents.
WashPost/SeattleTimes 11.Jun.06
Sanity's like morality now, it has only to do with what works. There's no longer any higher thing against which the immoral and the insane are measured. It's about what works and what doesn't.
In an awesomely bizarre way that's more accurate than any other view.
Darwinian truth and biological accuracy.
Harris is:
  • more sane than the average American
  • right in the heart of the median demographic
  • a lunatic
But what does that mean? A Doberman behaviorally-modified to kill on a one-word command is insane, but not in a utilitarian sense. Not in a military or police sense.
Only in a happy-dog happy-world sense.
We don't seem to have that anymore as a possibility.
So now, just like with the moral exigencies of murdering women and children for military objectives, we judge these things, these events, by their outcomes, and since none of this has resolved into anything clearer than more of the same, we can't say - it's nuts.
We have to wait until it's over.
And just like with global climate disruption, by the time the evidence is irrefutable in the public's very short sight, it won't matter.

Harris is nuts to call that "asymmetrical warfare", even though it is, in some real ways, exactly that.
It's just that an enemy who's willing to die like that for his cause, or from grief or despair, shames the home team, and by his dying exposes the selfishness that has become the national religion for what it is.

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