
...But of these sophisms and elenchs of merchandise I skill not...
Milton, Areopagitica

Except he had found the
standing sea-rock that even this last
Temptation breaks on; quieter than death but lovelier; peace
that quiets the desire even of praising it.

Jeffers, Meditation On Saviors



On the Death Of Yaseer Arafat:

A Modest Proposal
A Solution To The Palestinian Problem
Including, As An Addendum, A Concomitant
Remedy For the Growing Problem of Global Anti-Semitism

Time won't permit me to develop this past more than the merest outline, consequently I make this request of you, gentle reader, that - should you find these ideas at all serviceable - you make them your own and "flesh them out" until some one of us at last can begin the necessary measures, harsh though they may be, toward solving this difficult and perplexing situation, once and for all.

With the obstinate and cunningly non-committal Arafat removed from the picture the stage is set for a final resolution, and indeed we find the curtain risen, the scrim ready, the extras waiting in the wings, and the plot well-rehearsed.
The "fence" around the remaining Palestinian lands being near complete all that's needed now are the implementation of a few signs and the construction of a few hundred miles of railroad track.
Soon enough there will be no Palestinian economy to speak of, and the only work available will be on the other side of the "fence" - so that a simple re-working of that familiar slogan "Work Will Make You Free" in Arabic script over each entrance to what will be finally the only freedom remaining to those Arafat leaves behind, will prove inspirational to all who view it; and given the obvious inevitability of Israeli expansion into so-called "Arabic" lands, the railroad tracks - providing opportunities in their building for therapeutic labor and constructive use of time for idle Palestinian youth - leading into the easily-managed camps of Bethlehem and Hebron etc. from the surrounding lands, will soon enough see substantial use as transport lines.
The terrain through which these necessary carriages must pass being unbearably hot during much of the day and for much of the year, a certain amount of air-conditioning would be most humane wherever it would be possible to employ it; the added expense - having no possibility of economic return for its investment - proving to all the world the humanity and great compassion, though sorely tested, of its benefactors.
The difficulty of identifying some Arabs, with their Semitic features so close to their racial and religious superiors', can be solved by genealogical research and local witnesses, and the application of - at least for a generation, after which the problem will be much less pressing - an alpha-numerical tattoo on, say, the right forearm of the identified.
Requiring all Palestinian, and later all Arab/Muslim, workers in the rapidly expanding Fatherland to show this indelible mark of identification whenever demanded to do so will simplify things greatly for the guards and security officials at the borders and entrances to the camps and factories.
Should resources become scarce, in the event of mass climate change or unforeseen biological disturbances, of course stricter measures will have to be taken, although that bridge may be crossed easily when it becomes necessary to erect it, once these preliminary steps have been taken.
For now this solution will provide quickly and efficiently a means to finally dispense, by its extension into all combatant states, with the cause and causative agencies of global terrorism, and will put an immediate stop to local political disruption in the Middle East.
The contingencies and necessary details, like those of any complex project involving millions of unwilling participants, will be manifold but not impossible to foresee.
The American criminal justice system/security apparatus is filled to bursting with just the experts necessary to begin the process, and the transfer of information and resources to the sites of application has an historical precedent of long standing. The pipeline of resources from the young wealthy satellite to its ancient spiritual center will need only augmentation, an increase in budget and staffing, to be brought to optimum efficiency.
As to the growth of Anti-Semitism - a global problem for all rational and moral people - a means of identifying Anti-Semites on sight, and a parallel means in the electronic media to which so many of us turn for information about our rapidly changing world, in order that they may be avoided by decent common folk - and in order in turn that these often rational-seeming bits of virulent madness can be stemmed, contained, and ultimately eradicated - I would like to suggest a yellow "Star of David", worn on the arm of the persons so identified, under penalty of law, and the punishments for deceit and disguise must be concomitantly harsh enough to discourage all but the most obstinate and deranged.
The electronic version could be what's known as an "icon" in the realm of the digitally sophisticated, and can be made a requirement where appropriate, for all "online" communication attempted by the soon-to-be-permanently recognized and ostracized Anti-Semites, who until now have been free to go among us anonymously, spreading their filth and lies behind the shield of so-called "free speech", and doing immeasurable harm to the cause of decency and the lives of decent people.

Thank You,
Your Editor
Please, if you should find something useful here, an idea or a starting point for an idea of your own, take freely whatever you can use. The pressures of daily necessity and all too limited time - so much duty, so few hours in the day - mean that all I'm able to offer just now is this humble outline, some suggestions based on an attempt once made, though incompetently - the right idea but practiced on precisely the wrong people; my own thought being that now we, and especially the still-horrified victims of that prior attempt, have before us an opportunity to address the matter more accurately, more effectively, and indeed, more professionally, once and for all.
A solution, finally, to the problem of Palestine, and terrorism generally, which having been applied successfully at last, will never again be necessary.

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