
...But of these sophisms and elenchs of merchandise I skill not...
Milton, Areopagitica

Except he had found the
standing sea-rock that even this last
Temptation breaks on; quieter than death but lovelier; peace
that quiets the desire even of praising it.

Jeffers, Meditation On Saviors



the 'temperature' at which the presidency of George W Bush burns

Like so many voices in America - presidential hopeful John Kerry, journalist-cum-author Bob Woodward, and others, Moore attacks Saudi Arabia, a country many Americans love to hate these days given the fact that some 15 of the 19 perpetrators of the September 11 tragedy were Saudis, never mind that the Saudi government itself is targeted by the same al-Qaeda terrorists. Regardless, the post-September 11 Saudi syndrome that has sunk in the substratum of American political psychic is so powerful as to unconsciously serve as a scapegoat, letting others off the hook.
Indeed, one is struck by the peculiar absence of any reference by Moore to the so-called neo-conservatives of Bush's inner circle, almost entirely Jewish, who plotted the invasion of Iraq long before September 11. Moore's bravery stops at the door of Israel, and he does not bother even asking if Israel and its army of influence peddlers in the US capital and its halls of power and decision-making was a key factor triggering the present administration into war with Iraq. At the risk of sounding "anti-Israel", however, the question needs to be asked and seriously scrutinized, notwithstanding the commission of inquiry in Israel now investigating precisely the question of why the Israeli government and its security apparatuses exaggerated the weapons of mass destruction threat of Saddam Hussein.

Kaveh L Afrasiabi /Asia TimesJul.02.04
When Michael Moore was on one of the late-night talk shows last week he looked ashamed. I wondered about it. And there it is.
The same force that put Bush in the White House will not be leaving the stage when he does.
It's catharsis.
The seemingly populist nature of terms like "Bushco" and "Bushies" etc. mask the connection Kerry shares with him, with them.
It still seems ludicrous that rational minds will even consider the possibility that a group of men capable of flagrantly subverting the American system to put Bush in office and invade Iraq, and God knows what else they've done on the way to this, will now step timidly aside when the people vote them out.
The alcoholic father leaves, and the kindly uncle steps in to fill the role. Meet the new boss.
A scapegoat scenario from the originators of the concept.
After we drive Bush over the cliff we can go back to going on about our business - buying cars and gasoline and sending billions of dollars to support the blood-soaked warriors of Israel.

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