
...But of these sophisms and elenchs of merchandise I skill not...
Milton, Areopagitica

Except he had found the
standing sea-rock that even this last
Temptation breaks on; quieter than death but lovelier; peace
that quiets the desire even of praising it.

Jeffers, Meditation On Saviors



The same techniques were used to create a climate of acceptance for the removal of Howard Dean from the Democratic primaries. They run these subtle scams and cons, and because people grow up with the media, it's very difficult to step away from it and see. It's like turning your back on your grandmother.
This is a visual culture now. Linking the approved candidate with positive imagery is middle school technology. But it works, and most Americans are no more alert than a dull middle schooler these days. People are frightened, seeking refuge, wanting simple solutions and easy answers, and a reassuring voice. Nothing more reassuring than the groundless confidence of the all-seeing Presence. The familiar spirit that unites us all. These techniques were used to elect Bush, they'll be used to elect Kerry. After that they won't be necessary anymore.
The idea that men and women are not fundamentally the same, except in the neutered kennels of the modern world where nothing physical matters, only the illusion, the image, isn't really controversial. It's obvious. A woman with huge plastic tits will not be a better nursemaid for an infant than a woman with relatively small natural tits, but in this depraved world the larger tits are more socially valuable. Those same values make men and women equivalent. And those same values legitimize profane intrusion into the living heart of what we are. It's Satanic. The Pope's right about that. The story makes it sound like he's attacking feminism itself, but he didn't write the story. Someone very much like Tony Levene did. Someone with an agenda that isn't laid out here, that's advanced by two forces of human liberation, the militant church and militant feminists, being tricked into attacking each other.
I'm not saying the Pope's right, I'm saying the owners and operators of the media want Kerry elected and the Pope is an obstacle to that.
We're like Helen Keller now, all of us. Groping toward some epiphany that hasn't happened yet.

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