
...But of these sophisms and elenchs of merchandise I skill not...
Milton, Areopagitica

Except he had found the
standing sea-rock that even this last
Temptation breaks on; quieter than death but lovelier; peace
that quiets the desire even of praising it.

Jeffers, Meditation On Saviors



Noble joined other former cult members and experts at APA's 2002 Annual Convention in Chicago during the session "Cults of hatred" to speak out on the effects of mind control and destructive cults. Panelists made a plea to the association to form a task force to investigate mind control among destructive cults.

"Extreme influence [such as mind control and cults] has remained dormant in the field of psychology," Alan W. Scheflin, professor of law at Santa Clara University, told the audience.

Mind control, or "brainwashing" as it's commonly referred to by the media, is often viewed by many psychologists as science fiction. However, panelists stressed that mind control is being used by cults to recruit and maintain followers and can have dangerous and lasting psychological consequences.

Cults that use mind-control techniques "have been able to do so with impunity, and the people who are victims of these techniques get no treatment," Scheflin said.

{ "dude. and you know what else? you can't be hypnotized to do something you wouldn't normally do. no, seriously man, I read it in Time or Newsweek or something. twice"
this is the most egregious hogwash. the supposed 'dormancy' of 'extreme influence' research is because the practitioners were being recruited from the same institutions that the field of psychology draws its recruits from, and this evil can't or at least couldn't exist in the light of day, and it was being funded where mainstream psychology also gets its support.
from Mengele and the stinking darkness behind him right through the 'Phoenix' and 'Artichoke' and whatever else programs, and on, to the present day. these areas are not dormant.
as though a means of completely controlling people's minds would be ignored by the scum that would implement Agent Orange or atomic weapons, that would run the School of The Americas, that would do all the satanic things that are being done, now, but no, not that.
no, only Sci*******y does that. and Koresh. and um....Jim Jones and ....uh.....Manson....and um.....uh.....them Raelians and feel odd, suddenly...........what were we talking about?}

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