...But of these sophisms and elenchs of merchandise I skill not...
Milton, Areopagitica
Except he had found the
standing sea-rock that even this last
Temptation breaks on; quieter than death but lovelier; peace
that quiets the desire even of praising it.
Jeffers, Meditation On Saviors
Blog Archive
- intent is bunk!
- The gods do this in shame of cowardice: Caesar sho...
- A witness told rangers the shark approached Casey ...
- "I remember thinking I just want more. This isn't ...
- The final toll of the General Slocum fire has neve...
- The granddaughter of Mahatma Gandhi, Ela Gandhi, j...
- {what gets lost, what they trained us to miss, is ...
- reed man
- russetly
- Interface to the Future A version of real-time de...
- This brings the suicide rate closer to 0.68 suicid...
- "So, Ivan Ubiquovich, congratulations on surviving...
- OUT THERE, in happy family homes, in the offices o...
- Appropriately, Kissinger is a man on the run for h...
- "Others at a higher level of the fruit picking ind...
- The latest audiotape statement attributed to Osama...
- Mahfood had no idea how to react to the prisoners,...
- Ongoing Efforts In the Cultivation of Worthy Think...
- lovable hero_____________"It is at such a time and...
- Although the others managed to drive the lizard ba...
- the cynicism of the decision and the gross insult ...
- Many people think that Chinese government's attitu...
- The Eugene City Council passed a resolution Monday...
- In LQG, reality is built of loops that interact an...
- full color led flashlight
- sad optimism of an ant farmthe wide-open mind of a...
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- 100 quotes from Shakespeare
- when police officers swooped in on Mr. Sirven last...
- it's always High Noon somewhere
- Q. What's an "infix"? A. A word placed within ano...
- Studies thus far have neither shown nor ruled out ...
- Attorneys for the Bush Administration asked a fede...
- oreofuchi for ambassador
- From his prison cell in the Tower of London, a Fre...
- By the time the dust kicked up in that meeting had...
- One of Canada's feeble, American-neocon wannabes, ...
- Isabel Letelier learned more about torture than sh...
- Ducros was at the centre of a storm since last Thu...
- "Nearly every state is in fiscal crisis," the gove...
- {virtually every 'artist' listed in this gallery h...
- Ms Nigot killed herself last Tuesday, two weeks af...
- A secret population of orang-utans has been discov...
- Stuck in the Basque country in the eighties with n...
- Concoctions included the huMouse, a mixture of man...
- The people of Ecuador have elected a former coup l...
- When you take time to read a book or listen to mus...
- ......he believed that art affirms and sustains li...
- For more than 20 years, Antokoletz marched, clutch...
- Places by which Russia's ranking in the U.N.'s Hum...
- I blame the Vietnam War. That's safe enough; nobod...
- http://meltingobject.blogspot.com/http://www.where...
- Early this morning, during my clandestine coffee a...
- glimpses of another worldwhere people eat differen...
- glimpses of another world
- Even as Chilean courts have continued to pursue ac...
- Mexican Gen. Jos� Gallardo once seemed an unlikely...
- Todd Warren, a Sunday School teacher at Prairie Oa...
- the truly most astonishing astronomy photo I've ye...
- The struggle against detention certainly didn't en...
- "Why did you run from the police?" Chavez is heard...
- Mayor Ed Garza said Thursday that he hadn't spoken...
- Dr Zhou said the temptation to add a longer tail w...
- Previously, Herrin and Teplitz speculated that it ...
- Gloria Murillo�s one-acre farm in this central Col...
- One candidate screened by the White House was Will...
- Questions were mounting yesterday over the death o...
- women squat on the sidewalk using their bare hands...
- Earlier this year, in what appears to have been th...
- In early April, scientists reported that the early...
- And when those entries are laid end to end in a ti...
- As for the remaining six political parties, the Ge...
- More than 280 women have been found dead in the Me...
- The vanity of the lilac's flowering Is in the brev...
- Liu Fang: The biggest challenge is to fully expres...
- The Nishikawa Ensemble is a chamber group that exp...
- {I saw Limbaugh on whatever talk show that was, an...
- Raising the Temperature: W Laser
- Dr. Tony Tether, DARPA (15-21 Oct): to Singapore t...
- Swaziland�s attorney general has been charged with...
- The chairman of the massive Rio Tinto mining compa...
- The decision followed three days of riots in the W...
- I have an agent now. This guy writes me down � the...
- a letter to a friend, for a few hours:____________...
- Iraqi flag
- as the good professor muttered "where is the camer...
- Thomas McGuane IV, blade smith
- MADRE�s Direct Relief Efforts MADRE purc...
- Human trafficking involves controlling and exploit...
- Robert(Birnbaum): Was your detailed description of...
- EC: Oh, he's not mad. Everyone else might be, but....
- Allen Ginsberg died a few days ago. You knew him, ...
- It's in the White House and Senate and judiciary. ...
- we win againtho it's always touch and goand even w...
- A Longview woman who sells sex toys has been charg...
- In 1961, under the last Eisenhower budget, there w...
- "First Thought, Best Thought" � Chogyam Trungpa, ...
- This man Calvino has been dead for some seventeen ...
- Israel will ask the United States for loan guarant...