
...But of these sophisms and elenchs of merchandise I skill not...
Milton, Areopagitica

Except he had found the
standing sea-rock that even this last
Temptation breaks on; quieter than death but lovelier; peace
that quiets the desire even of praising it.

Jeffers, Meditation On Saviors



winning praise as a crisis leader:

Sarkozy has quickly adopted a bully pulpit for Europe and its traditionally more measured approach to markets. In Strasbourg Tuesday, speaking to the European Parliament, he stated that Europe "must carry the idea of a new foundation of global capitalism. What happened [with toxic assets and derivatives that created a credit crisis] was a treason of the values of capitalism," he said. "The market economy itself is not called into question."

The French president's peripatetic style is proving useful for a major crisis with multiple elements – which plays into his ability to do many things at once.

all following headlines from google news 18.Oct.08:

UN offers Sarkozy its headquarters for summit
Sarkozy gets it right
Sarkozy Galvanised EU to Cope With Crisis
Sarkozy Calls For Revamping Of Capitalist System
Sarkozy, history meet in Quebec
Sarkozy blesses idea of Canadian unity
Sarkozy pushes for Africa
France's 'Omni-President' Wins Praise for Take-Charge Approach
Mr. Sarkozy stays the course
Sarkozy charms the world
Nicolas Sarkozy Wins Humanitarian Award
Sarkozy's Jewish roots, article in Australian Jewish News
The crazy-making part of this is the "canard" that Jewish money and political influence are operating in covert and powerful ways to influence world events to the benefit of Jewish interests.
So that's not true because we know it isn't, because of the Holocaust, an unspeakable horror caused by irrational bigotry and racial arrogance, and because it's constantly denounced as anti-Semitic to say that the media is controlled by Jews, which anti-Semitism is a terrible crime worse than any other form of racial bigotry, certainly worse than anti-Arab bigotry because they deserve it, and because anti-Semitism is the expression of an ancient prejudice that's so undeserved and so false, and really let's face it a direct result of the superiority of the victims to their oppressors.
So there is no Jewish influence on world events in ways that benefit Jewish interests, because there can't be, and because of the Holocaust, and even if there was so what? 
And Jewish self-interest doesn't exist anyway as separate from the interests of non-Jews because we're all in this together, now with Nicholas Sarkozy to lead us through and onward.
So the idea that all this disgusting fawning shallow attention that celebrates Sarkozy and places him Zelig-like or Gump-like definitely Hollywood style at the center of every important world event - especially the disgusting and fawningly shallow coverage of his bizarre insertion into the obviously fake and orchestrated "rescue" of Ingrid Betancourt, that smelled, nee stank, a lot like a miniaturized version of the fake and orchestrated Iranian hostage "rescue" that Ronald Reagan was given to perform in in his Hollywood-scripted role as "leader" of the Free World - the idea that all that syrupy praise comes at us as a direct result of disproportionate self-interested Jewish influence in international news media is simple anti-Semitism, and should never be treated as a serious concern, only as a sickness to be wiped out. Because of the Holocaust.
Or - maybe Sarkozy's being promoted by the same invisible hands that promoted Bush.
Given the same free ride, boosted carefully into position, to be used in the same way Bush was used, though probably not used up quite so thoroughly then discarded so coldly, the way Bush has been and is being.
People have been encouraged to forget that it was the media that elected GWBush not the actual voters. And they have dutifully forgotten, because really they never knew that, not consciously. And because by forgetting they can go on pretending that they have a choice and a say in what happens to them next
And it is and will remain forbidden to point out that the media that create foster and maintain this illusion are essentially Jewish organizations in that they are owned and run and their public faces are far and away predominantly Jewish. Witness the grotesquely dishonest coverage of Palestinian suffering, which it is forbidden to even admit the existence of, because they deserve it.
It is forbidden because of the virulent nature of anti-Semitism. Because of the Holocaust, which is a kind of giant all-purpose 9/11.
And it is not allowed either to point out the steady flattening corrupting of news outlets like the formerly incisive and vibrant AFP into house organs for whatever that is that's doing all that. To, except here and in places like this, point to the way AFP went from clearly bitter repudiations of the Iraq invasion to benign and shallow "reporting" of the progress of the forces of democracy in Iraq, this photo being an exemplary example of the AFP's onetime intelligent demonstration of the hinkiness of that enterprise:

showing Bremer the American proconsul in Iraq confronting the ancient treasure of Nimrod. Some knowledge of Jewish history would deepen the resonance of that image considerably.
See for instance Babylon, Jewish slavery in.  See also the mysterious destruction and looting of the Iraqi museums of antiquity, which is to say the museums in Iraq with antiquities in them. Now all gone somewhere but no one knows where.
Bremer, a Jew, was the first installed ruler of American-occupied Iraq and later the ostensive father of its Constitution. Big man in that sense. Picture is from an AFP that at the time was critical and intelligently skeptical of the US endeavor, but shortly thereafter went through an ownership change and a site revamp and became a toothless though still commercially large presence in the international media community. 
And not co-incidentally went from running images of Sarkozy that showed his buffoonish affect to images that emphasized his decisiveness and firm command, illusory as those images might actually be.
It is not allowed to say that that should be a real concern, that possible Jewish influence on the decision to invade Iraq should be discussed openly, that Jewish influence on media coverage of that invasion should be accounted for publicly, that Jewish takeover of a media house as important as Agence France Press should be as open to criticism and analysis as any other powerful phenomena that affects all of us.
Because it isn't. Not at all. Not allowed, because of the Holocaust.
Think of all that horror.
Never again.
Even if we have to have, possibly unfortunately necessary, a Holocaust for everybody else, like say a nuclear war.
What is allowed, and not only allowed but encouraged, is the cathartic image of the wreckage of the great Wall Street wealth transfer, masked as a crisis in which there are no winners, only losers, when in fact there are winners but they remain mostly nameless and hidden; the cathartic puppetry of the US Presidential election masked as a contest; the cathartic dangling of Sarah Palin and John McCain like piƱatas before the bewildered and blindfolded electorate; and most preciously the shining beacon of Obama, hope of the hopeless, the last saving presence possible now, and no one else on the horizon except...except, who is that excited little man, off in the distance there?
This disturbingly cartoon-like figure, N. Sarkozy, bouncing around the world stage from Colombia to Kennebunkport to Georgia to Israel to Strasbourg.
Who, if you map all three of them over each other and squint, happens to share with George W. Bush a remarkable structural affinity to Disney's Mickey Mouse, at one time the most ubiquitous and endearing figure in the world.

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