It’s a complicated time:
QUESTION: Armed agents, for instance.Secretary Condoleezza Rice
SECRETARY RICE: Yes. And so we think that this is – armed agents? No. We’re going to respect Mexican law, and the Mexican Government is in control on this issue. And my colleague Patricia just addressed this downstairs.
QUESTION: There won’t be American agents armed in the Mexican territory?
SECRETARY RICE: We will – the Mexican Government has complete control over how this is carried out. But this is to make Mexican security forces more capable, not to impose American security forces on Mexico.
QUESTION: Tell me about the funds, because there has been a debate about this and when the funds are coming finally.
SECRETARY RICE: Yes. Well, the funds will come, and they will come, I think, very soon. There is a letter – there are letters of agreement that have to be completed for part of the funding, and that is being done. But I just want to assure you that we understand the urgency of this. It’s urgent for Mexico. It’s urgent for the United States.
Interview With Leonardo Kourchenko of Televisa
ScoopNZ 28.Oct.08