
...But of these sophisms and elenchs of merchandise I skill not...
Milton, Areopagitica

Except he had found the
standing sea-rock that even this last
Temptation breaks on; quieter than death but lovelier; peace
that quiets the desire even of praising it.

Jeffers, Meditation On Saviors



"We are innocent, as we have proclaimed from the time of our arrest. To forsake this truth is to pay too high a price even for the priceless gift of life-- for life thus purchased we could not live out in dignity and self-respect."
Rosenbergs' letter to President Truman, January 9, 1953
The couple was executed at sundown in the electric chair at Sing Sing Correctional Facility in Ossining, New York, on June 19, 1953.
Julius Rosenberg and Ethel Greenglass Rosenberg were American citizens who received international attention when they were executed after having been found guilty of conspiracy to commit espionage in relation to passing information on the American atomic bomb to the Soviet Union.
The guilt of the Rosenbergs and the appropriateness of their sentence have been subject of perennial debate. However, information released after the Cold War has been taken as confirming a charge against Julius about espionage, but not in relation to atomic bombs, at least.
David Greenglass, chief prosecution witness, released in 1968 after 15 years in prison, & living under the witness protection program, admitted in a TV interview that he'd been pressured by Roy Cohn, former aide to Sen. Joseph McCarthy, to lie during the trial.
Son of the Rosenbergs
Rosenberg Fund for Children

Just about everybody in that confused travesty of justice except McCarthy and Fuchs, Irish and German, citizen of the US and resident alien in the UK respectively, is Jewish.
Which kind of makes this guy's nefarious scuttling and hinky dual loyalty somewhat less ethically clear-cut.
Some folks have accused the national government and media of overt and not-so overt anti-Semitism in their rabid condemnation and rapid execution of the Rosenbergs. This aside from the pretty obvious fact of Ethel's basic innocence, her glaringly obvious innocence of anything like capital crime. How confident can any Jew be of the legal protection of the US government? Probably not so very, though currently Jews seem to pretty much be running things inside and outside the official channels of power. That can swiftly change, of course, and it will.
So Israel becomes the only certainty, the only stable refuge for a persecuted and paranoid people.
Mr. Kadish is quoted in court documents as having told his FBI interviewers "he acted out of a belief he was helping Israel". If Julius Rosenberg did pass atomic secrets to the Soviets he most likely did so with the belief he was helping the people of the socialist experiment achieve some sort of nightmare atomic-destructo parity with the executive thugs and professional psychotics of American capitalism.
Rosenberg especially, if he did anything like what he was accused of doing, did not act for personal gain, that's very clear.
Not so clear with Mr. Kadish and Mr. Pollard.
The execution of the Rosenbergs, carrying the stark finality of merciless capital punishment along with trainloads of injustice and loud strains of clear bigotry, makes an ugly contrast with the almost trivial attention paid to Pollard's case in the media. The Americans who believe Saddam Hussein took down the WTC probably have never heard Pollard's name with anything near the weight it deserves in the context out of which it emerged.
Mr. Kadish and Mr. Pollard are accused of passing high-level secrets to a foreign government. A crime for which the Rosenbergs were killed.
Interesting to see how Mr. Kadish's trial plays out. Though he's 84 and the crimes were committed back in the 1980's.
Perhaps the newly tough-talking Condi Rice will weigh in on this, with her dukes up and her combat boots on.

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