
...But of these sophisms and elenchs of merchandise I skill not...
Milton, Areopagitica

Except he had found the
standing sea-rock that even this last
Temptation breaks on; quieter than death but lovelier; peace
that quiets the desire even of praising it.

Jeffers, Meditation On Saviors



a fresh talking point as she works to convince:

Clinton, who won the Pennsylvania primary last week, has gained ground this month in a hypothetical head-to-head match up with the GOP nominee-in-waiting; she now leads McCain, 50 percent to 41 percent, while Obama remains virtually tied with McCain, 46 percent to 44 percent.
See how the Superbowl goes down to the wire every year now, increasing ad revenues and giving millions of consumers a satisfying and exciting experience of real cliff-hanger football.
Breaking spirits is a creepy job description, and you'd think it would produce tons of negative karma. But if your karma's already deep in the minuses, and you've been shown in no uncertain terms that it's backseat and shut up or no ride at all - what's to lose?
What drives these moments has nothing to lose. It can afford to destroy everything, because after - what's there? Nothing.
Until now I haven't wanted to commit to the cynicism I'm carrying around about Obama. Because it started to look like the power of The Great Swine Hive Thing wasn't near as monolithic and impregnable as we feared.
Watching for the same orchestrated moves as preceded the election of the Sorceror's Apprentice. Ever notice how much Bush looks like a humanoid Mickey Mouse?
For a while, as Obama rose up, it seemed different.
Now it's tipping back the other way.
So here's those moves. First thought is how discouraging to so many young bright hopefuls.
Well, yeah, and your point?
Discouraging the shit out of moral youth is the creepy job description mentioned above. This is what the death squads of Latin America were trained, in the US, to do. Precisely that. The people's heroes and their support systems - leftist compassionate anti-elite union-organizing help-the-poor heroes. Breaking them, killing them, discouraging them in every way possible, and burning the lessons of those heinous acts of discouragement into the young. Futility - it's what's happening!
Break their spirits, because they'll just get in the way of the empire with all that right and wrong bullshit.
This is the danger, and this is what looks to be occurring. I'm more than ready to be wrong and provably paranoid about this. Not about whether there's evil behind the scenes, if it's happening as it seems there it is, but whether or not it's really happening at all.
If it isn't happening, then even though wrong I'm up and ready for big change.
If it is, it's evil incarnate.
See who owns the football teams.
See who owns Hillary Clinton, and the little black holes where the news comes from.

Watch Hillary run!
See Hillary win!
With exciting! too-close-to-call! neck-and-neck! photo-finish!
Then the tired sad old counting horse McCain gets walked out to be cathartically humiliated by that fresh! new! face!

Other HClinton coverage on this topic, in this space:
13.Dec. '05
17.Oct. '06
24.Oct '06

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