
...But of these sophisms and elenchs of merchandise I skill not...
Milton, Areopagitica

Except he had found the
standing sea-rock that even this last
Temptation breaks on; quieter than death but lovelier; peace
that quiets the desire even of praising it.

Jeffers, Meditation On Saviors



practically anything can happen

Simple minded people�and that means all of us most of the time�automatically assume that what people utter has a prima facie validity. We�re well aware that people can lie and misrepresent things, of course; but the default on our program is trust and it takes energy to listen critically. You have to do something. For this reason, even those of us who know better are influenced by the endless repetition of false information. Propaganda works and what makes it effective is repetition, not cogency. Since the radical right has the means to get its message endlessly repeated�think of the Swift Boat campaign�truth or falsity becomes irrelevant and even the opponents of the administration will end up doubting themselves about matters that are long past reasonable question. It is the sheerest vanity to think that one is immune to the spin. You aren�t just being partisan, dear readers. In fact things are worse than you think.

inanis et vacua 13.Sep.04

Russell Crowe was on Actor's Studio a while back. He was brilliantly human, humble and genuine, eminently lovable, and yes like everyone I have way too much confidence in my ability to judge character, but as good as he is, he's not that diabolical an actor.
I was doing the dishes and I can't stand doing the dishes start to finish without a break, so I sat down and turned it on. I was in the habit of watching Actor's Studio but I wasn't going to that night, because I didn't like Russell Crowe. Something negative about him. Keep in mind that I'd never seen him in anything, never read an interview with him.
I realized part way through the program that I'd been brainwashed, obviously brainwashed. We watched The Insider a few weeks ago, Crowe and Pacino, and I mentioned to a friend how impressive Crowe's art was, true acting, rather than just the magnification of persoanlity and face that a lot of celebrities trade on.
She said she didn't like Russell Crowe; did she mean as an actor? she said no, that he was probably a fine actor, but as a person she didn't like him. I asked her why and she got sort of vague.
How many people are there out there who have this?
What is it about? Did Russell Crowe piss somebody off?

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