
...But of these sophisms and elenchs of merchandise I skill not...
Milton, Areopagitica

Except he had found the
standing sea-rock that even this last
Temptation breaks on; quieter than death but lovelier; peace
that quiets the desire even of praising it.

Jeffers, Meditation On Saviors



non-collateral mass killing of innocents
"We've been forced to endure the massacre of children. Whether it's teenagers outside an Israeli disco or students in Beslan, Russia, we've seen kids singled out as special targets.

We should by now have become used to the death cult that is thriving at the fringes of the Muslim world. This is the cult of people who are proud to declare, "You love life, but we love death." This is the cult that sent waves of defenseless children to be mowed down on the battlefields of the Iran-Iraq war, that trains kindergartners to become bombs, that fetishizes death, that sends people off joyfully to commit mass murder.

This cult attaches itself to a political cause but parasitically strangles it. The death cult has strangled the dream of a Palestinian state. The suicide bombers have not brought peace to Palestine; they've brought reprisals. The car bombers are not pushing the U.S. out of Iraq; they're forcing us to stay longer. The death cult is now strangling the Chechen cause, and will bring not independence but blood.

But that's the idea. Because the death cult is not really about the cause it purports to serve."

link Busy,Busy, Busy

Motor vehicle deaths [US] among children younger than 13

Male Female Total
1975 2,275 1,368 3,643
1976 2,095 1,328 3,424
1977 1,996 1,350 3,347
1978 2,021 1,344 3,367
1979 1,934 1,237 3,171
1980 1,864 1,183 3,048
1981 1,668 1,064 2,733
1982 1,530 1,042 2,573
1983 1,579 939 2,518
1984 1,484 937 2,422
1985 1,464 1,005 2,469
1986 1,560 972 2,537
1987 1,635 1,019 2,654
1988 1,610 1,088 2,701
1989 1,567 1,090 2,658
1990 1,366 966 2,332
1991 1,346 909 2,257
1992 1,311 851 2,165
1993 1,230 932 2,164
1994 1,343 956 2,301
1995 1,271 924 2,201
1996 1,245 941 2,186
1997 1,170 935 2,108
1998 1,181 848 2,032
1999 1,136 861 1,997
2000 1,071 817 1,888
2001 996 755 1,751
2002 935 673 1,610


In 2001, more than 4,700 [US]teens ages 16 to 19 died of injuries caused by motor vehicle crashes...

Three Summer Holiday Periods� Fatality Counts for
1998-2003 and Fatality Forecasts for 2004


Motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death and injury for American children, ranking ahead of all other types of unintentional injuries, and claiming more lives than any childhood disease. Injuries from motor vehicle crashes are also a major cause of epilepsy and paraplegia in children.

Death cult.
Look at those numbers and see how your mind slides right over them. Thousands of children every year, but it's the price of doing business. Plus for some reason the images of the dead and maimed are hidden from you, while the images of terrorist-caused death are shoved down your throat. I know more people who have lost loved ones to car wrecks than to any other cause, and, more than likely, so do you.
The clean-up is so quick it's as though the accidents never happen, unless someone starts a memorial off to the side of the road.
If children knew the facts of this, the way they know the facts of smoking, they wouldn't ride in cars. But they don't, because it's being hidden from them.
It's being hidden from them intentionally, just as the selective media presentation of victims of "war" and "terrorism" is intentional. Everyone knows about Beslan, but no one knows where it is, exactly. It's right at the heart of the pipeline track for the last big oil reserves on earth.
The Palestinian dead outnumber the Israeli dead 7 to 1, but the American public doesn't know that. They know that 1,000 American soldiers have died in Iraq, but they have no idea how many Iraqi women have been killed by American bombs and guns.
The automobile business is far and away the biggest and most important industry in the US, with oil and gas right behind it.
Add in the Caspian Sea oil bed - which is what Chechnya and the school massacre in Beslan are really about - add in the oil underneath Iraq, and in northern Africa, and the "death cult" picture gets appallingly clear.
Death cult, indeed.
The whole world is an "Israeli disco".

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