
...But of these sophisms and elenchs of merchandise I skill not...
Milton, Areopagitica

Except he had found the
standing sea-rock that even this last
Temptation breaks on; quieter than death but lovelier; peace
that quiets the desire even of praising it.

Jeffers, Meditation On Saviors



{There's this propaganda device that's getting so blatant the blatancy itself is a form of bullying propaganda, an arrogance of flagrancy. The latest example I've seen, the one that caused this post here, was in this morning's paper. A picture of Lt. Gov. Bustamente being interviewed by Latina talk-show host (keep in mind I don't get deep with this stuff. TV only as I pass between my little chamber here and the kitchen, meaning I go through the living room where my mom has the TV on and maybe 5 per cent of the time it's a news program. The paper I glance at when I bring it in, or when I'm cooking I'll skim the headlines for a minute or so. There's two stops on my delivery route where the newspaper vending machines are right by the driver's side as I get out and I'll look at the headlines then. sometimes.)Cristina Saralegui. It's a legit story about Davis and Bustamente both competing for the same donation list. But if you look carefully you see this laughably unsubtle placement scam. And go back through the archives, it's there. Negative words seemingly innocently part of the informative headlines, linked to the image by a context of proximity, as opposed to grammar. It's right out of 1984. This particular one says below the picture, "Democrats chase same dollars". Democrats same, and the photo has both the Lt. Gov and his interviewer looking away from the camera, shifty-eyed sort of, but more importantly, if you look straight down from Bustamente's image it says same dollars, Bustamente same dollars. It's been like this since I re-entered the modern world last October. It's really obvious once you start looking for it. Negative words with a minimally justifiable context linked to the image of the victim.
The Schwarzennegger headlines are exactly the same, only with positive spin placement. It's the arrogance of the invisible power behind all this. Whoever they are, the accuracy of their estimation of the intelligence and courage of the common people of America is warped by contempt.}

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