
...But of these sophisms and elenchs of merchandise I skill not...
Milton, Areopagitica

Except he had found the
standing sea-rock that even this last
Temptation breaks on; quieter than death but lovelier; peace
that quiets the desire even of praising it.

Jeffers, Meditation On Saviors



"Thus it is undeniable that no matter how great a person may be, he or she is not a causal being, but is a resultant being. Therefore, there must exist the first causal being. Who is that causal being? Is it male? Is it female? You can call that first causal being God or any other name, but this causal being must exist."
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"Wherever you may go, please try to spread Reverend Moon's message through television or other media. You will never perish. What force can turn around this world of Hell? It is impossible to achieve this unless our sexual organ is used in accordance with an absolute, unique, unchanging and eternal standard centering on God's true love which is absolute, unique, unchanging and eternal love. God is the original owner of the sexual organs."

Reverend Sun Myung Moon
{here's a site of logical fallacies. Rev. Moon's first quoted statement is surely there in template form. the second one is probably in at least a few college psych textbooks.

though it's true really. God is the original owner of our sexual organs. it's just that the rest of what he attributes to that God is not true. we're raised blind to the genes' directing of our lives. kids today without thinking about it would tell you sex is a consumer need, to be filled like any other consumer need, through personal taste and careful shopping. that's where all that nonsense about marriage as a kind of universal legal arrangement comes from. marriage is about kids and family. 'they' have that part. but that's been as perverted as any deviant sexual practices. the 'family' is a perversion as practiced today by what passes for 'mainstream' folks. really it's all perverted, the basics I mean, sex, family, civil society, agriculture, animal husbandry, language, name it, it's warped beyond redemption. another big illusion is that we're rising out of some swamp of ignorance into an enlightened state, aided and guided by our ever-increasing technological sophistication. horseshit. something's rising, but not us. the idea that 'gay' people aren't members of their families, aren't entitled to all the legal benefits of family membership, aren't just as capable of love, just as capable of raising mentally sound children, more horseshit. but on the other side, the idea that the real spark of human vitality resides anywhere other than in the miracle of human conception and birth...well... you see how it works? polarize the argument until the only two available positions can both be run by the same invisible Combine.

fetal infants are not the 'property' of their mothers, nor are they part of their mothers' bodies. but the idea that a God who cares more about babies and children than he does about old people and homosexuals is anything other than a 'human' construct is country music for domestic animals. it's biology. genes. something built out of the mass of human code that spreads itself through time. us. the genes own us, we are that. something rancid and sour cuts it up and splices it back together in grotesque ways. what was here has been more than despoiled, it's been destroyed intentionally, out of bitterness and hopeless cowardly rage. and that exists on all sides of these pseudo-conflicts. what keeps getting lost when rational minds confront these seemingly absurd movements, is they work. and they work because they offer survival to the genes they work for, so that biologically they're as valid as anything else. Moon is a raving lunatic. but so what? nature as we define it doesn't care about that. 'nature' doesn't even care if we rearrange the genetic code of every creature that ever existed, because that 'nature' is merely a backdrop, a landscape. there was something else there. something we were trained to ignore, the names for it were stolen from us, and anyone who carried a remnant of the old knowledge, the old ways of being, was ridiculed and beaten into an object lesson of failure. what that was was our heritage, our true inheritance. to say now that this world is not our home is only further cowardice, abdication, a spineless denial of a once living gift.}

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