
...But of these sophisms and elenchs of merchandise I skill not...
Milton, Areopagitica

Except he had found the
standing sea-rock that even this last
Temptation breaks on; quieter than death but lovelier; peace
that quiets the desire even of praising it.

Jeffers, Meditation On Saviors



Paul Wolfowitz

The deputy defence secretary is the arch-ideologue of the Bush administration and the key architect in the Pentagon of the post-war reconstruction of Iraq.

Like many of the reconstructors Wolfowitz of Arabia, as he is known, is a ranking member of the leading neo-conservative think-tank the Project for the New American Century (PNAC), which advocated regime change in Iraq even before George W Bush took office. He is also, like many of the reconstruction team, a key member of the ultra-right-wing Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs (Jinsa) � a think-tank that puts Israel and its security at the heart of US foreign policy. Many of the reconstuctors � known as Wolfie�s People or the True Believers � are hand-picked place-men chosen by the defence deputy. Wolfowitz is the ideological link in Team Bush�s grand scheme. His thinking is and was central to the war and its aftermath.

Neil Mackay Sunday Herald (Glasgow)
also thumbnails on:

Lewis Libby
Donald Rumsfeld
Richard Perle
Dick Cheney
Michael Joyce
James Woolsey
Lt Gen Jay Garner
Lt Gen Ron Adams
Lt Gen John Abizaid
Maj Gen Bruce Moore and Gen Buck Walters
Cap Frederick �Skip� Burkle
Gen Jerry Bates
Col George Oliver
Col Richard Naab

{ok I'll admit it. I want to be liked, respected. paid attention to, the things that I value about myself, were they honored by others, well, it wouldn't ruin my day. so I wrote to the already mentioned Making Light's comments on the looting of the antiquities in Baghdad, implying in my own odd way that the Jewish religion and its adherents worldwide had a lot to do with what was happening there, including of course that saintly land, that holy land, that...Israel. and the mistress of light says in the brief time she had for such nonsense that of course any sensible person would know that was nonsense. surreal in the words of her moderator. of course. and this Jinsa horseshit? nonsense. Wolfowitz? nonsense. Israel? even more nonsense.

but I'm right and I know I'm right. and I'm sick of having to try to explain the difference between a pure hatred and disgust for Israeli death trips, and a recognition of the presence of Jewish people among the races of the world. the agents of our doom, the bringers of the death of all of us, are operating behind the shield that confusion creates. and they've won almost everything now.

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