the woman who is shopping for Easter shoes for her kids works at Wal-Mart
...But of these sophisms and elenchs of merchandise I skill not...
Milton, Areopagitica
Except he had found the
standing sea-rock that even this last
Temptation breaks on; quieter than death but lovelier; peace
that quiets the desire even of praising it.
Jeffers, Meditation On Saviors
Blog Archive
- and lemme tell ya they got some big ones:Pelosi ra...
- I may get around to more about whatever this is, b...
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- ineffectual kibitzing: You need not reduce social...
- and had spoken about breaking the law:The document...
- there are still wise people in the US
- A[n] heroic effort has been launched to keep the t...
- the woman who is shopping for Easter shoes for her...
- a sandwich, two juice drinks, two cookies, an appl...
- Israel accused of apartheid by South African lawye...
- Cherry Blossoms in Boston
- Collapse of Arctic Sea Ice 'Has Reached Tipping-P...
- dala: The Queensland lungfish
- World Water Day March 22
- Giant catfish, one of the world's largest freshwat...
- Observations are in the very upper edge of the pro...
- But it's going to take years for the software to g...
- Jeff Wells on the real thing
- Wrestling With ZionAmazonPowell's
- So I know the world:Freedom is about the willingne...
- The End of the Future of Reason:Everything of valu...
- to transcend this kind of madness:The conclusion w...
- reading the news:Regrets of the Statue Man-drop by...
- March 2003:In that bright world-He knew he'd hit r...
- Bible Study, rivers:Look now toward heaven, and t...
- Top U.S. general seeks calm gay sex
- Que Dios les bendiga:Schwarzenegger: Yes, it's fan...
- Almost everything frozen on earth is melting
- human sprinkler systems
- destined:The US president strongly defended a 700-...
- Bush backs ally Colombia/Reuters backs
- I'm going to put up some more bits from March 2003...
- -Kieran Healey at Crooked Timber:Via Jim Henley I ...
- 20 percent over 10 years
- Propaganda 101Big Push:Separately, U.S. troops rai...
- -Independent UK
- The Emergence of a Global Infrastructure For Mass ...
- the edge of the wedge-EFF
- a clean image:Carbon dioxide emissions from ships ...
- among this wreckage:Two children from the Guarani ...
- on the table
- Every third bite we consume in our diet is depende...