
...But of these sophisms and elenchs of merchandise I skill not...
Milton, Areopagitica

Except he had found the
standing sea-rock that even this last
Temptation breaks on; quieter than death but lovelier; peace
that quiets the desire even of praising it.

Jeffers, Meditation On Saviors



to transcend this kind of madness:

The conclusion we are meant to draw ... is that our planet's climate system has been altered in harmful ways that we as a community need to address.
Each day we fail to take responsibility for the mess we are in compromises our communities.
Joe Brewer/CommonDreams 14.Mar.07
"...has been altered..." By whom?
Not to mention any names, you know. Not to say, "...has been altered by..." except well of course everybody. So now everybody has to feel guilty and hopeless, or responsible and hopeful, but never, not ever never can you say, "These particular individuals did this." It's why I think the tobacco thing fell out like it did, legally I mean, personal responsibility being the main escape clause in the contract, because this is rather bigger than smoking, one would think, all in all.
It's like there's this king see, and he's like really really stupid? But he's the king? So you have to kiss his ass to get anything important done? But carefully and with lots of simple and easily understood moves? Because, you know, he can have his royal constabulary chop your head off if you make him too angry. And he gets angry really easy.
Plus you know with global warming and everything being well at least some of his fault, if not basically really mostly his fault, that's making him feel extra bad and guilty which with most people in positions of power and responsibility which you know being a king is pretty much all about - they get angry not only when you make them angry because of not saying and doing things they like or saying and doing things they don't like, but they get worse mad when they're the ones making the mistakes? So the king is right on the edge of the royal anger volcano?
So you have to tiptoe around and play it all easy nice p.r. and stuff; so you can't say things like, "Well, this horseshit about how we all have to take responsibility for global warming is like wanting veal calves to take responsibility for not getting enough exercise."
You can't say that because then the king will get too angry to think straight, not that he's all about the clear and sound decision-making anyway.
But let's not forget in case we ever do get a chance to talk about what's really really really going on - that people were tricked and conned into doing this to the world, and to themselves, that the average person would never in a million years have minded all that much doing without the internal combustion engine and its bizarrely unpredictable by-products, like all that exhaust gas having to end up somewhere - like I mean who could have predicted that, that it would rise, being lighter and warmer than air, and that billions of cars with their engines running every day and puking out exhaust gases could ever be seriously harmful? Or like cars being the #1 killer of children in the US right now at this very moment, plus of course the topic subject here, which is global warming, or as the scientists were saying for a while among themselves - anthropogenic climate forcing. Nobody would have minded you know going without the highways being like these rivers of poisonous gas that no one in their right mind would ever try to walk down for any length of time except in an emergency and even then let alone try to get across 8 lanes of and of course most animals can't being much smaller, and not nearly as smart as us.
People were conned into doing that, to the world and to themselves, in a way that's a lot like using cocaine or amphetamines, the power upgrade to the personality and the feel-good pseudo-strength, the energy and the upful feelings of being a certified dynamic individual which you have to admit sitting on your ass and going 80 miles an hour wrapped in a protective suit of steel that weighs a ton or more is pretty darn dynamic - and the real and true beneficiaries of that con are still running things, right now. But don't tell the king that, because he'll freak out. Plus you know the reason that there's been so much resistance to the idea in the first place is because of that, that the people running things now are the people who did it, who accomplished the amazing feat of changing the weather of the world, though admittedly in unpredictable and not so human-friendly ways not to mention mammals and amphibians etc. - so they had to have time to get their ducks in a row so to speak, before the shit hit the fan, so to speak. The people who did it who are running things did, have to.
It's like democracy? Like if we really had one we wouldn't have the President and most of the Senators we do. Not to mention the unspeakable war, or the dying world all around us.

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