Giant catfish, one of the world's largest freshwater fish, have not been caught in the Mekong in northern Thailand since 2001.
...big-money water-infrastructure projects with the backing of the World Bank, the Asian Development Bank and other lending institutions, usually with multinational conglomerates from the richer nations as project partners...
...more than 45,000 large dams - those that are more than 60 meters high - are operational in more than 150 countries, while another 1,500 or so are under construction...
We've assumed that water is a limitless resource. It's not anymore
...But of these sophisms and elenchs of merchandise I skill not...
Milton, Areopagitica
Except he had found the
standing sea-rock that even this last
Temptation breaks on; quieter than death but lovelier; peace
that quiets the desire even of praising it.
Jeffers, Meditation On Saviors
Blog Archive
- and lemme tell ya they got some big ones:Pelosi ra...
- I may get around to more about whatever this is, b...
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- ineffectual kibitzing: You need not reduce social...
- and had spoken about breaking the law:The document...
- there are still wise people in the US
- A[n] heroic effort has been launched to keep the t...
- the woman who is shopping for Easter shoes for her...
- a sandwich, two juice drinks, two cookies, an appl...
- Israel accused of apartheid by South African lawye...
- Cherry Blossoms in Boston
- Collapse of Arctic Sea Ice 'Has Reached Tipping-P...
- dala: The Queensland lungfish
- World Water Day March 22
- Giant catfish, one of the world's largest freshwat...
- Observations are in the very upper edge of the pro...
- But it's going to take years for the software to g...
- Jeff Wells on the real thing
- Wrestling With ZionAmazonPowell's
- So I know the world:Freedom is about the willingne...
- The End of the Future of Reason:Everything of valu...
- to transcend this kind of madness:The conclusion w...
- reading the news:Regrets of the Statue Man-drop by...
- March 2003:In that bright world-He knew he'd hit r...
- Bible Study, rivers:Look now toward heaven, and t...
- Top U.S. general seeks calm gay sex
- Que Dios les bendiga:Schwarzenegger: Yes, it's fan...
- Almost everything frozen on earth is melting
- human sprinkler systems
- destined:The US president strongly defended a 700-...
- Bush backs ally Colombia/Reuters backs
- I'm going to put up some more bits from March 2003...
- -Kieran Healey at Crooked Timber:Via Jim Henley I ...
- 20 percent over 10 years
- Propaganda 101Big Push:Separately, U.S. troops rai...
- -Independent UK
- The Emergence of a Global Infrastructure For Mass ...
- the edge of the wedge-EFF
- a clean image:Carbon dioxide emissions from ships ...
- among this wreckage:Two children from the Guarani ...
- on the table
- Every third bite we consume in our diet is depende...