
...But of these sophisms and elenchs of merchandise I skill not...
Milton, Areopagitica

Except he had found the
standing sea-rock that even this last
Temptation breaks on; quieter than death but lovelier; peace
that quiets the desire even of praising it.

Jeffers, Meditation On Saviors



"The Book of Revelation [says] God will destroy those who destroy his creation," Gore said, noting that some evangelical Christian leaders have expressed concern about climate change. "Whatever works," Gore added, prompting applause and laughter.
Gore departed the event, sponsored by Wired Magazine, with his wife Tipper in a chauffeur-driven black Lincoln Town Car provided by a New York City limousine service.
Gore noted that the Bible promotes good stewardship of the Earth. "Noah was commanded to preserve biodiversity," he said.
Marc Morano/CNS 26.May.06
The Book of Revelation clearly has nothing to say about going around in "a chauffeur-driven black Lincoln Town Car provided by a New York City limousine service".
The only people trying to paint that in moral terms are those whacked-out environmentalists. And apologists for the Grand Satanic Scheme of Self-Inflicted Human Extinction With No Causative Ulterior Moral Intent, of which group Mr. Morano appears to be one very active member.
People who would rather see Al Gore ridiculed for his personal material quandaries than paid attention to for his rational grasp of the dire complexities of the current and immediate future.
It says that in there, though not in so many words.
Also the Bible says that, though, again, not in so many words.
Cars are absolutely morally neutral however, the Bible is very clear on this.
Because it doesn't mention them at all, not even between the lines, unless various fiery chariots are to be so construed.
While the Bible is very precise and specific about fire and torment etc. cars are nowhere mentioned as such in the eschatological scenario.
Making them morally disambiguous while at the same time keeping them outside the judgment of sin and righteousness to which most other human activities and aspirations are subject.
Neither good nor evil.
Like air. Air is neither good nor evil. Water also.
Trees maybe just a little smidgeon toward the good.
Bears are pretty much evil.
Wolves, too. Coyotes by extension, though of course they're not mentioned in the Book.
Sheep and cows are good.
Goats are evil, or potentially mostly so.
Crustaceans very bad.
Whales pretty much kind of bad, sharks definitely.
Yet cars are morally beige.
This helps, once you understand what it means - to know this helps a lot.

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