
...But of these sophisms and elenchs of merchandise I skill not...
Milton, Areopagitica

Except he had found the
standing sea-rock that even this last
Temptation breaks on; quieter than death but lovelier; peace
that quiets the desire even of praising it.

Jeffers, Meditation On Saviors



Children In The News:

Gannon/Craig Spence profile with innuendo and accusations of child prostitution and entrapment and extortion at rigorous intuition
Freedom Matters
Do You?

using children to make political hay, or to turn political straw into political gold

Palestinian children slain by ultra-precise bomb accidently set off by incompetent terrorists who didn't exist exactly in those precise time/space co-ordinates yet managed to somehow incompetently but ultra-precisely accidently kill two of their own children. According to the Israeli Defense Force spokesperson assigned the task of explaining why and how these two children were killed, they did.
The Palestinian doctor who examined their bodies said they were killed by bullets - the size, angle, and pattern of the wounds leading to the suspicion rifle-fire was the causative action, IDF rifle-fire more precisely, but you'd expect that.
much, much more scurrilous and anti-something invective/dispassionately-recorded facts at Lawrence of Cyberia
Eyes Wide Open, at Live Oak Friends Meeting Grounds in Houston, Texas, graphs the human cost of the war in Iraq - Beth Moore/Axis of Logic was there.
Many, many children have died in Iraq. Children, except maybe Palestinian children, being almost a sure bet to be non-combatants and thus qualifying as "innocent". Though, as someone once said, "Nits make lice."
Innocent now, guilty later - why wait? being one rationale for excusing the deaths of children in or near combat zones, war zones, "hot spots", scenes of invasion/occupation and consequent resistance.
Rich people, no matter what their taste in food, clothing, shelter, or sexual gratification techniques, are generally lice-free:
The Omaha operation, described in the film as a "large ring of rich and powerful pedophiles," appears to have been in business for several years - with the knowledge of, and for the perverse pleasure of, a variety of city, state and federal authorities. Jerry Lowe, the first investigator assigned to the case by the Franklin Committee, reported back: "The allegations regarding the exploitation of children are indeed disturbing. What appears to be documented cases of child abuse and sexual abuse dating back several years with no enforcement action being taken by the appropriate agencies is on its face, mind-boggling." The investigation revealed that many of the child victims had been recruited from one of America's most revered charitable organizations - Boy's Town, with which King had maintained close ties since 1979. Senator and committee member Loran Schmit has said that Boy's Town was mentioned frequently during the investigation, "but we found it difficult to get information about Boy's Town." So too did the film crew from Yorkshire Television.
Accusations aplenty at the somewhat hysterical and undispassionate, and therefore potentially dubious, 7th fire.
As opposed to both rig. int. and Lawr. of Cyb., whose dispassion and controlled outrage make their work credible in the extreme.

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