
...But of these sophisms and elenchs of merchandise I skill not...
Milton, Areopagitica

Except he had found the
standing sea-rock that even this last
Temptation breaks on; quieter than death but lovelier; peace
that quiets the desire even of praising it.

Jeffers, Meditation On Saviors



Notes on the contemporary landscape:

How much of your identity is gender-based? How much of that gender-based identity is genitalia-oriented? How much of that genitalia-oriented gender-based identity is altered, or rendered submissive following the mutilating of the foreskin in males, and the clitoris in females? You'd expect the clitoral mutilation to be much more transformative, but it's telling how dismissive the male mutilated become - "It's nothing. They(meaning we, I) don't remember any of it."
It's been sold to the already mutilated as a health measure, cleanliness in the penis being paramount. As though the history of the uncircumcised was a pageant of men with inflamed dicks, dropping by the wayside, ill and unable to procreate. Isn't it more likely that the dominance that follows such a violently intimate act is its real purpose?
Hanging in the background is the ghostly promise that they'll come back for the rest of it if you aren't careful.
A large measure, maybe even the bulk, of Satanism is simply Judeo-Christianity for leather-fetishists, the Jehovist template reversed but still dominant - for the "rough trade".
How much of the instinctual, gut-reaction antagonism to evolution on the part of fundamentalists is from the subliminal "spell" of it starting with "evol"?
I'm trying to imagine how it would feel, two generations later, to have an Aryan body-builder for a sock-puppet.

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