
...But of these sophisms and elenchs of merchandise I skill not...
Milton, Areopagitica

Except he had found the
standing sea-rock that even this last
Temptation breaks on; quieter than death but lovelier; peace
that quiets the desire even of praising it.

Jeffers, Meditation On Saviors



Eugenic selection has an immediacy from which it gets most of its nightmarish impact. The same eugenic processes, if they're carried out over a few decades or centuries, disappear like particles of smoke. You can see it, but you can't describe it without metaphor and analogy, which is what this is.
Taken together the indigenous people of the so-called New World have been subjected to a Holocaust that dwarfs anything the 20th century has to offer in its entirety.
It doesn't matter what the numbers are, and it doesn't matter about the relative merits of the people involved. There either are or there aren't moral distinctions to be made when whole groups of people are killed, eliminated, removed. But moral distinctions are for law enforcement, they're for the scammers to find the cracks in the code to exploit. Good men and women do what's right even when there are no rules at all.
The line-drawing is a mistake, it plays into the hands of those who have committed the crimes to begin with, is what I'm saying overall; specifically what I'm saying is the witness cannot be numerical or even legal, though those things must be kept as records and delivered as testimony. The witness is emotional at its simplest, and something english-speaking people have lost the word for at its grandest. Heart, love, these things make modern boys curl their lips in disgust, but then modern boys are kennel-raised dogs compared to the people whose lands they occupy.
It's like that - the degrees and measurements are a trap, a trick of abstraction to bog down the response - this nightmare depends on the participation of moral people in order to function, though it itself is immoral and psychopathic. The morality on which it depends depends in turn on a cultural blindness, an ahistorical present tense, where all that matters is what you can see and touch, now.
So if you close your eyes everything's great, as long as you're not sick or hungry or terrified, and with your eyes open and the television on it's the same thing, everything's fine - except for the enemies in Sector 12. But the police will soon have that well in hand, if we give them free rein to do what they're told.
Don't ask who tells them what to do, that's part of the bargain.
What I want to emphasize is that every aspect of your personal morality is being violated by the system you depend on for protection, and the people who benefit most from that system need your moral integrity, in its mass, as a whole, to keep that system running. Without it, in the anarchy that will come if you stop believing in right and wrong as they've given it to you, they'll have to spend most of their energy protecting themselves and their things; as it is now they get you to pay for it, because it protects you as well.
So there was a Holocaust in America, not just the US - the whole thing, Big America, the one that goes from Hudson's Bay to Tierra del Fuego. An intentional elimination of millions of innocent people - ghettos, branding, disenfranchisement, appropriations, one-way transportation, labor camps, mass death, the whole schmeer. And experimentation, though most of that was so long ago the science was very primitive and the results are consequently suspect.
But many more than died in Europe in the Nazi Aryan purification campaign, many many many more.
And still are, that's the reason I'm making the point, it's happening right now still today; but it's un-philosophical, un-systematic, no longer a bureaucratic decision so much as inertia; not exactly eugenic in the sense of men and women plotting to better their genetic strain; and without that centralized intelligence that makes evil easier to get ahold of - that provides a handle on it so to speak.
It began with that elevation of the human that's so much a part of so many religions, the centrality of the ones who are writing the dogma, but it became streamlined in the Middle Ages, the Judeo-Christian anthropomorphic God placing his people above everything except himself. So brown and black men and women, who lived in the dirt and "worshipped" animals and spirits whose names weren't in the Bible were inferior, and when they were in the way it was a righteous thing to remove them.
You see? Inferior. So they had to be weeded out. And they were, mostly. Eugenics in action, and you owe any material comfort you have now to precisely exactly that. And it's still happening.
Leave the rules behind, lead with your heart, ignore the arguments, pull your support from the compromise, the "we have to, it's all we have" - better to die than compromise sometimes, especially with what's done all that; they'll rig it so you have to see any argument you make turned inside out, so fake it - support the lawyers, honor the politicians who wade into those rivers of shit and lies, but don't let that be your only stand. It's the devil's language. Where you are means someone has to speak it. But it's important to not buy the illusion that it's all there is.
Do what you have to, but keep the real things away from the dissolving acids of logic and rational thought. I could take it down to the point-by-point right here, but at the end there's only this little platform on which two strange animals struggle with each other in order to live, and there's no right or wrong about that. The right and wrong are like the sky now - the blue is an illusion, but real to us - the stars are always there, and the light from the stars is everywhere around us.

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