The White House has appointed Mr. John Dimitris Negroponte to be United States ambassador to Iraq. He will preside over the largest embassy in the world, housed in the Republic Palace (misleadingly named Saddam's Palace by the U.S. occupation). He will be protected by high concrete walls, barbed wire and more than 150,000 occupation force, including several thousands of foreign mercenaries armed to the teeth with the most violent tools. Mr. Negroponte is a Greek-American diplomat. He is currently leading the diplomatic war against the people of Iraq as the U.S. envoy at the United Nations (UN) in New York. Negroponte is Jewish. A friend in Spain expressed his deep concern to me recently: " to appoint a Jew as ambassador to the Arab country that has been devastated because of the will of a cabal of Jewish neocons headed by Wolfowitz - � Bush is just an accessory - is like trying to put out a fire using buckets of gasoline".
Mr. Negroponte has served as U.S. Ambassador to Honduras from 1981-1985; a period during which the U.S. military aid to Honduras grew from $5 million to nearly $100 million, and more than $200 million in economic aid, making Honduras the largest aid recipient in the region. Honduras was the launching pad from which the Reagan administration runs its violent "war on terror" in Central American. The U.S-backed atrocities and terror were condemned by the International World Court in the Hague. Like most of his colleagues in the Bush administration, Mr. Negroponte is a "recycled Reaganite".
OK let's see, Negroponte's a Jew, Bremer's a Jew, Tommy Franks may or may not be but likely is a Jew...but, really, who's keeping track? What difference does it make?
Funny how Negroponte's dropped off the radar though, isn't it? Considering where he is I mean. Iraq. He's the Ambassador to Iraq. But you never hear anything from him.
It actually never occurred to me that he was a Jew. I just thought he was a Satanic emissary. Then tonight I saw a picture of Sergei Lavrov - the Foreign Minister of Russia, a very powerful man in that country- and I thought damn, that guy looks just like Negroponte. Then I thought whoa, you don't suppose Lavrov's a Jew?
And then I thought, Negroponte? Naw, couldn't be. But yes. Oh yes.
So that's that.
This is a particular kind of Jewish male impotence. This is not "Jews", any more than it's "humans" or "men" or "white people".
It is a particular kind of all those, and a particular kind of Jew as well. "Zionist" is a word that gets used a lot, as a means of distinguishing these villainous cowards from orthodox and other Jews who are not seeking to establish a Jewish empire by violence and destruction. "Neo-cons" gets used a lot for the more political version, such as the men who hide behind George Bush, and who I suspect are hiding in the wings of John Kerry's campaign as well, though that's more doubt and suspicion than accusation.
This is an accusation. These men are Satanists.
Anybody who's ignoring that is simply hiding from it.
John Negroponte the Goebbels of Central America, now in Iraq, cSadrista, Iraq