"We know that the U.S. has been involved with torture training because of the School of the Americas in Georgia; torture manuals have been exposed there," said Conteris, who has helped produce a documentary about the School of the Americas, "Hidden in Plain Sight." Added Conteris: "Last week at John Negroponte's nomination hearing as Ambassador to Iraq, I noted Negroponte's connections to death squads during his tenure as ambassador to Honduras. If he is confirmed, which seems likely since Democratic senators like Christopher Dodd and Joe Biden have backed him, Negroponte will work to prevent such images of torture from getting out. The Senate can act as though they are shocked by torture now, but if they approve Negroponte, they are facilitating the likelihood it will escalate and be covered up."
Andr�s Thomas Conteris
Between May 31 and December 20, 2003, CPT [Christian Peacemaker Teams] conducted dozens of interviews of Iraqi detainees and/or their families and support networks. This report summarizes the findings from seventy-two cases, and includes recommendations to the US-led Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA). CPT is particularly concerned that any mistreatment of the Iraqi people could lead to long-term problems including:
1. Increasing numbers of Iraqi people joining resistance groups.
2. Increasing danger of attacks against Coalition soldiers.
3. A growing record of human rights violations against the Iraqi people.
Report and Recommendations on Iraqi Detainees
Christian Peacemaker Teams, Iraq
January 2004