It should be obvious that C. Rice has been placed where she is to serve the purpose she's serving. But it's not, because that makes the next logical step obvious. Why? By who?
That step is just too uncomfortable for most of us.
It's much more comforting to pretend George Bush did all this himself, with a lot of help from Karl Rove and Dick Cheney, of course; so that removing him from office will liberate America. Or at least make it a nicer place to live.
Laughing at them is a prisoner's reaction, muttering about the guards behind their backs.
Yes, they should be exposed and unelected, but stopping there is just more of the same, only deeper, and even more impossibly complex and murky.
Condoleeza Rice is not Henry Kissinger. Kissinger's a free man. With a list of crimes that could get him a table next to Rasputin's in any of the finer dining venues of hell.
Rice is perfectly represented by one of those hundreds of candid shots of Bush walking toward or away from the helicopter/plane, with Colin Powell and Condoleeza Rice prominently at his side.