
...But of these sophisms and elenchs of merchandise I skill not...
Milton, Areopagitica

Except he had found the
standing sea-rock that even this last
Temptation breaks on; quieter than death but lovelier; peace
that quiets the desire even of praising it.

Jeffers, Meditation On Saviors



Theodolitic Stillness

A brief and yet somewhat less than concise attempt to address the concerns of children squabbling over the appropriate name for, indeed the possibility of the very existence of, an plausibly imaginary creature none of them, nor their betters, nor their lessers, nor their elders, siblings, cousins, one and all, have ever seen except in stories and picture books, and those all written by the same obfuscatory pen, or its cohort; in which attempt the narrator attempts to draw young minds away and toward the possibility of, while insisting all contestants may be provably and inarguably mistaken, the subject of their dispute existing in an unapproachably powerful form, such that the nature of its being would tend toward the fiery consumption of their small and arrogant lives, in much the same manner as the sun, from its safe distance, does power all our humble selves and selfishnesses, while at closer quarters, unshielded, it would disassemble the very substance of our corporeal essence; but existing in all probability nonetheless.
Just so it is in the fat rhetoric and shameful dissembling of their elders to this day. The priests may claim the hand of God has darkened the sun, but the tables show the ecliptic path has a regularity that parallels the systole and diastole of the human heart, but calmer. The priests themselves, again, disguised as skeptic heretics, mingle amongst the crowd, muttering darkly false arguments against themselves, a ruse to control and navigate discussion, insisting as to the cold and heartless nature of a universe void of their proprietary divinity. With us or against us, as it were.
And those few gnostic exemplars who have survived the intrigues of modern theocratic tyranny's malign neglect and blunt destructive snooping, living at best driven to the margins of the polis, have still not much to encourage here, and there, in that this voice, yet little worthy as any ungoverned canine's, wary, and alert to stray foot, dropped scrap and gobbet, chooses to bark of a sudden at this one challenge, when so much else has passed by, and not been called into question.

At Kuro5hin Jan.19.04

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