Farmworker families and communities are exposed to organophosphates (OPs) through "take-home" exposures on clothing, cars, and skin.
"It is outrageous that EPA authorized the use of these pesticides, putting thousands of workers at risk of serious illness every year," said Erik Nicholson of the United Farmworkers of America. "These two pesticides can poison so many farmworkers that EPA found the risks unacceptable, but the agency still allowed them to be used."
Ω And the Bush amnesty/welcome for illegal immigrants? Besides discount buying the allegiance of broad-spectrum race-sensitive voters, does it bring in Zapatistas and liberation-theology Catholics, or a big lump of dirt-poor and desperate-for-anything hard-working no-questions-asked trabajadores?
Who are going to be:
a. more likely
b. less likely to co-operate with the boss-knows-best mentality that puts these poisons into their lives.
Building a voluntary slave class, one bright and shiny step at a time.
"It is outrageous that EPA authorized the use of these pesticides, putting thousands of workers at risk of serious illness every year," said Erik Nicholson of the United Farmworkers of America. "These two pesticides can poison so many farmworkers that EPA found the risks unacceptable, but the agency still allowed them to be used."
Earthjustice/Common Dreams Jan.13.04
Ω And the Bush amnesty/welcome for illegal immigrants? Besides discount buying the allegiance of broad-spectrum race-sensitive voters, does it bring in Zapatistas and liberation-theology Catholics, or a big lump of dirt-poor and desperate-for-anything hard-working no-questions-asked trabajadores?
Who are going to be:
a. more likely
b. less likely to co-operate with the boss-knows-best mentality that puts these poisons into their lives.
Building a voluntary slave class, one bright and shiny step at a time.