
...But of these sophisms and elenchs of merchandise I skill not...
Milton, Areopagitica

Except he had found the
standing sea-rock that even this last
Temptation breaks on; quieter than death but lovelier; peace
that quiets the desire even of praising it.

Jeffers, Meditation On Saviors



Scoobie Davis Online
DRUDGE: Why don�t you�well, you can take over the show and you can do thirty minutes of Enron coverage and we�ll see if you have one damn listener at the end of that thirty minutes.

SCOOBIE: Yes, yes, it�s true�

DRUDGE: Why don�t you try? The floor is yours.

SCOOBIE: Well, I�ll tell you. I especially�

DRUDGE: Go ahead. The floor is yours. You�ve now got thirteen Western states. Proceed, sir.

SCOOBIE: Okay, I think it�s especially newsworthy�your scoop about Ken Lay staying in the Clinton White House, especially when you didn�t bother to retract it and you let others to think that also.




SCOOBIE: (Louder) Helllloooo


SCOOBIE: [this part was muted by Drudge on the radio leading to about four seconds of dead air] Where�s Drudge? Hello. (laughing) There�s no Drudge.

{like I said.... I've never heard anything by the son of refdesk just the headlines on his blog. which makes me wonder if he's Jewish to tell you the truth. obviously conservative which I have no problem with,possibly a Jew which I have no problem with either. purporting to be an unbiased news portal? not overtly but there's an element there.
that's the problem. that's how these guys like Limbaugh et al get the dims in line. they purport, without overtly purporting, to be the whole truth and nothing but. which comforts the dims. but it's a lie. they're just filtering the news like all of us do.which like I said I have no problem with exactly. it's the deceptive, the front, the gas of righteousness...}

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