
...But of these sophisms and elenchs of merchandise I skill not...
Milton, Areopagitica

Except he had found the
standing sea-rock that even this last
Temptation breaks on; quieter than death but lovelier; peace
that quiets the desire even of praising it.

Jeffers, Meditation On Saviors



He used to report for the New York Times, but stepped down, 
saying he couldn't conform to the paper's conflict-of-interest rules:

The fact that FAIR was writing about Toro's reporting more than 10 years ago points to the fact that this is not a new story; since Hugo Chavez's first election in 1998, Venezuela's government has faced intense opposition, and despite this opposition, the government has repeatedly won elections that have been deemed free and fair (Extra!12/06). US journalists tend to identify with the opposition, which is generally wealthier and better educated–and not incidentally whiter–than government supporters (FAIR Blog2/25/13). This should be borne in mind when reading reports from Venezuela–from whatever source.
Jim Naureckas/Fair/Venezuelanalysis
The mind-set is contempt, which opens up all kinds of moral freedoms.
 If you're talking to someone you despise, it's okay to lie to them. And to lie about them to others.
And these people, the ricos Toros is speaking for, despise everyone but themselves, though probably if you could get in there deep enough, even themselves. But especially they despise the poor brown-skinned descendants of the enslaved indigenous of South America.
On the surface, in the US, which has only surfaces, it's a desperate fight, arrows flying, guns blazing, women screaming, children crying, horses doing whatever horses do when the settlers are besieged by savages, with the wagons circled, bravely battling for the freedom to be scumsucking greedheads and get away with it.
It's a cowboy movie.
They're literally, in the case of Venezuela, being attacked by Indians.

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