
...But of these sophisms and elenchs of merchandise I skill not...
Milton, Areopagitica

Except he had found the
standing sea-rock that even this last
Temptation breaks on; quieter than death but lovelier; peace
that quiets the desire even of praising it.

Jeffers, Meditation On Saviors



You know that these things are black and white:

I found the Saints' victory last night really stirring, you know, to see New Orleans come back that way.
RICE:Yeah. First of all, I can't tell you how tired I am of getting up and reading leaked documents in the newspaper. I think it's - it really is not responsible. And people who do it are acting irresponsibly especially in a time of war.
Secondly, there were selective pieces leaked, and the President said today that they were going to declassify the key judgments. And I think people will see that it's a much more complex argument that's being made in the NIE. But let me just take on the argument itself. In the idea that because we're finally confronting terrorists, because we're actually fighting them in places like Afghanistan and Iraq, that they're -- that's making more of them, is the implication then that we should stop fighting them, that we should stop going on the offense?
The fact is they always had an excuse for fighting us, whether it was that we had troops in Saudi Arabia after the Gulf War or whether it was that we were in Afghanistan or now in Iraq, they've always had an excuse. And they attacked us in 1993, in 1998, in 2000 with the Cole, and then finally on September 11th. And we weren't fighting in Iraq at any of those times.

HANNITY: Well, I think the President was very clever considering it was cherry picked and leaked to the media, which I agree with you is really troubling to anybody. I said, all right, well, let's release all of this to the public and let them be able to examine it for themselves and not just have selected information put out there. But you rightly point out that this was predicated on the idea that somehow they wanted to get along with us and that they weren't attacking us all along the way. The 9/11 Commission Report said that they were at war with us; we were not at war with them.

RICE: That's right. They were at war with us, and we were not at war with them. Now we're at war with them.
Condoleeza Rice Interview With Sean Hannity
The Sean Hannity Show
ScoopNZ 26.09.06
It's hard, to get to it, so much of the noise seems so reasonable, so much of the insanity makes sense when you take it apart and don't look at anything else.
"Gaza is a prison; and Israel seems to have thrown away the key," John Dugard, UN special rapporteur on human rights in the occupied Palestinian territory, told a session of the Human Rights Council.
That story, the UN special rapporteur saying the Israelis have turned Gaza into a prison, that's central, that's Nazareth, Bethlehem, the star in the East. Birth pangs, baby.
bin Laden says 9/11 was about the Palestinians - but that never made it to the table Americans sit at when they discuss terrorism with each other.
Even now, it's brushed aside.
AlQa'ida is the enemy
"alQa'ida will continue to pose the greatest threat to the Homeland and US interests abroad by a single terrorist organization"
that's the leaked document, that's the intelligence report, that's what the best we have say is happening right now.
AlQa'ida took down the WTC.
And AlQa'ida said it was in response to what was being done to Arabs, to the Arab world, and the first specific instance of what was being done that they named, that bin Laden named as cause, was Palestine.
And the UN special rapporteur for Palestine now says the Israelis have turned it into a veritable prison, and thrown away the key.
And Condoleeza Rice, who is so disconnected from her own history that she can say on national television that the lesson she carries from the Birmingham church bombing is that "...there really is good and evil"
that "...these things are black and white"
says there's no reason.
The remote diagnostic is hatred. She hated the whites who bombed the church, and she hated the ignorant blacks who met the stereotypes of their bigotry, she hated everyone but the successful - the clean-living, viciously judgmental, but not racially prejudiced; prejudiced in favor of ambition, pride, determination - and scornful of despair, apathy, surrender - with contempt for the degraded of both races.
But she could only live that out by amputation, divorce, and it's coloring the world she sees, the world she's so prominent in.
That same soul-schism's working in her bizarre comment about New Orleans.
There really is good and evil, just like there really is hot and cold, and light and darkness; and when you make yourself the center of the moral universe, evil will always be what harms or threatens you. Something that wants to destroy your world is evil, but if you do it yourself, accidentally, that's not evil. A man who butchers an innocent family is horribly evil, but a car wreck that does the same thing isn't evil, just an accident.
I don't have any illusions about how personally dangerous jihadis and fundamentalist Islamic hatred are to me, as an American, as what they would call a Christian - but Sean Hannity and Condoleeza Rice and the people they stand for and the things they stand for are dangerous enough, to me, that truthfully putting one above the other is impossible. And Hannity and Rice are operating a lot closer to where I live.

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