kamikazes of poverty
Last year, 70 people were killed by gangs or Maras as they are known. Their activities stretch all the way from El Salvador to the US. Those trying to reach the US illegally make perfect targets in the murky world of drug trafficking and immigrant smuggling. All of those at the hostel have been, or expect to be, robbed on this journey. The savvy ones get their family to wire money to Western Union offices along the way but this young woman is worried about more than losing her money. It is common for women and young girls to be raped.Anna Yeadell-Nicola Fell/Radio Netherlands 31.Mar.06"As long as we stay alive it don't matter what happens. All we want is to be in the US. It doesn't matter what the consequences are as long as we get there. I'm scared. If you don't let them rape you, they could kill you or hurt you real bad. But we do whatever we can to send money to our family. We know we suffer, but we also think of our family suffering".It is estimated that over half of those trying to cross borders illegally are women and minors.