
...But of these sophisms and elenchs of merchandise I skill not...
Milton, Areopagitica

Except he had found the
standing sea-rock that even this last
Temptation breaks on; quieter than death but lovelier; peace
that quiets the desire even of praising it.

Jeffers, Meditation On Saviors



Here's one:
Moral bandwidth. The radius out from the self of things you'd sacrifice for; its depth being how much you'd sacrifice. Not what you care about.
We can't make it about caring because caring has been prostheticized, made into an artificial organ, an extension of the camera and the screen. People think they care about what they see on TV; a more accurate measure is what you'd be willing to give up in exchange for an increase in the well-being of someone or something else. It gets its 3-D from how far into the future you'd be willing to take it.
And no fair putting it on metaphysical ideas; saying you'll sacrifice for God is dishonest - when your received idea of God is of someone that puts more value on you than on anything else - and it's just as selfish as the more obvious selfishness of gimme gimme. Look at the appeal of fundamentalist religion - you'll go to heaven, you'll be saved. Your kids, your grandkids, are on their own.

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