
...But of these sophisms and elenchs of merchandise I skill not...
Milton, Areopagitica

Except he had found the
standing sea-rock that even this last
Temptation breaks on; quieter than death but lovelier; peace
that quiets the desire even of praising it.

Jeffers, Meditation On Saviors



Logically, the press ought to be playing Keating's resignation as a story about the church compromising the independence of its panel in order to protect its priests. Instead, the press is mostly playing Keating's presumed sacking as a story about Keating's brutish verbal insensitivity. The gaffe in question was a comparison Keating made (in the June 12 Los Angeles Times) between the Catholic Church and the Mafia:

"I have seen an underside that I never knew existed. I have not had my faith questioned, but I certainly have concluded that a number of serious officials in my faith have very clay feet. That is disappointing and educational, but it's a fact," Keating said.

"To act like La Cosa Nostra and hide and suppress, I think, is very unhealthy," he said. "Eventually it will all come out."

Does the Catholic Church resemble the Mafia? Before delving into this question, we must stipulate that the Mafia kills people, whereas the Catholic Church does not. (It used to, as Joan of Arc and many lesser-known heretics could attest. But let's stick to the present.) More broadly, the Mafia is dedicated to evil, whereas the Catholic Church is dedicated to holiness, which translates (roughly) in the secular world to good. These two stark differences are the reason why so many Catholics have taken offense, or at least feigned offense, at Keating's remark.
Timothy Noah
Slate Magazine June 16, 2003
{stipulate away Mr. Noah. stick to the present. right on top of a story in which the 'cover-up' of ordained pederasts is mentioned as fact, because it isn't even a question anymore. but you're convinced the Catholic Church doesn't kill. mostly because they say they don't and no one has proved they do. though we might give a passing thought to how difficult it was, how many lives were damaged, in the struggle to get this craven filth exposed. and the 'dedication' part that's perfect. let's all be real clear on that. the Mafia is dedicated to the survival of itself as an organization, and of its members inasmuch as they contribute to the survival of the organization. that may be evil to everybody else but to the Mafia it's life. biological life by the way. and the Catholic Church is fantastically more wealthy than the Mafia ever was or will be.}

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