
...But of these sophisms and elenchs of merchandise I skill not...
Milton, Areopagitica

Except he had found the
standing sea-rock that even this last
Temptation breaks on; quieter than death but lovelier; peace
that quiets the desire even of praising it.

Jeffers, Meditation On Saviors



This comment, from a thread called Seymour Hersh On Cheney's "Executive Assassination Ring" at A Tiny Revolution never appeared. There's a moderation filter called Akismet. The first attempt to post also disappeared. It had the word "shit" in it, so I took it out, rewrote the comment and resent it. Nothing so far.
It's something I believe happened, is happening, and also happened to me, as well as a whole lot of other sons and daughters of the USA. It's not all that happened, certainly not all that happened to me, not the defining presence it might be in someone else's life, but without some acknowledgement of forces like this at work in the world, no other description of things has enough solidity.
And there's been way too much gloating accusation of the crippled and incomplete public affairs of other countries where this stuff has been provably done.
What I'm saying here isn't about me, it's about us, about America.

What's near astonishing to me is the way all but the most paranoid conspiraphiles refuse to do the easy logical jump.
If these bloodsucking demons can do those things - have done them - that far outside their home boundaries, with impunity and resources and approval from above - what would they not be allowed to do at home? What wouldn't they be told to do here?
For the same reasons, to the same ends.
What would they not do here, where what they do out there has the center of its justification?
They're doing those heinous things to protect the interests of their masters, who live and who have families in the US.
Wouldn't the intensity of that protection increase the closer it got to the objects of its service?
How far back does this go?
Starting at least in the 1950's the US population was massively analyzed and cataloged, the data was being generated and collected everywhere, but especially in the public schools, and out of that data profiles were derived, and acted on.
Children with natural leadership especially marked out, and if they began to fit the wrong profile...
No Che, no Fidel, no Mao, no Garibaldi, no Bolivar, no Spartacus, no Luxemberg, no Villa, no Zapata, no Ghandi, no Wallace, no Jesus, no Luther, no Lorca, and ultimately, especially now when they're most needed, no Jefferson no Washington no Adams no Franklin no Paine.
The same attrition, but done cleaner and with fewer traces, before the problem arose.
Profiles mapped onto the up and coming and the full arsenal applied. And what an arsenal it is. So much easier to nip it in the bud than wait for the turmoil, and risk creating martyrs.
Martyrs last.

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