
...But of these sophisms and elenchs of merchandise I skill not...
Milton, Areopagitica

Except he had found the
standing sea-rock that even this last
Temptation breaks on; quieter than death but lovelier; peace
that quiets the desire even of praising it.

Jeffers, Meditation On Saviors



the craziest thing in the world:

As the insurgency in Iraq escalated in the spring of 2004, American officials entrusted an Iraqi businessman with issuing weapons to Iraqi police cadets training to help quell the violence.
[...] explain how the American military lost track of some 190,000 pistols and automatic rifles...
In July, the company, American Logistics Services, which later became Lee Dynamics International, was suspended by the Army from doing future business with the government amid accusations that the company paid hundreds of thousands of dollars in bribes to military contracting officers. The company had won $11 million in contracts to manage five warehouses with arms and other equipment in Iraq.
NYTimes 11.Nov.07
That and then there's always the still-marginal theory that it's on purpose, that the idea from the get was to arm various and sundry competing and conflicting groups to create and then maintain a fragmented, fractured Iraq, in perpetuity.
That the whole point all along was to destroy Iraq as a Middle East power, then leave it self-metabolizing, like an auto-immune runaway where the body just keeps tearing itself apart. So getting arms to the combatants would be a task in that. So mission accomplished.
Plus corruption all by itself, but mostly corruption as a fermentation agent, a way of reducing energy investment, using the corrupt processes to expedite the Great Plan.
The people doing this have been working for centuries if not millenia with vice as an indispensable universal solvent - it creates its own easily-dominated economies, and it creates a wealth of the blackmail-vulnerable.
"What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas", meaning we have tapes of that wild-ass crazy-fun time you were all having up in that room.
Corruption and the obscene manipulation of lives considered by their manipulators to be inferior and unimportant. Torture's right out of that same shithead playbook.
So geo-political agenda strategies and pandemic corruption tripping hand-in-hand through the Tigris-Euphrates Valley.
Separating them as causes is just more lies, it isn't one or the other it's both, and this sappy horseshit where the poor Americans "entrusted" the "Iraqi businessman" and the poor Americans got burned is meant to be consumed by the sadly naive and ever-not-so-swift American news audience, such as it is.
Playing the last forlorn tune of this final nightmare - that Bush was well-intentioned but incompetent, that the mess in Iraq was nobody's fault but Bush and Cheney's, with back when Rumsfeld running around on the lawn like a housedog just let out. Though a lot of the money's on the sadly naive and ever-not-so-swift Americans not remembering exactly who the fuck Donald Rumsfeld was anyway.
Much less Paul Bremer.

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