
...But of these sophisms and elenchs of merchandise I skill not...
Milton, Areopagitica

Except he had found the
standing sea-rock that even this last
Temptation breaks on; quieter than death but lovelier; peace
that quiets the desire even of praising it.

Jeffers, Meditation On Saviors



Potus op
Then, from behind the camouflage netting, the President of the United States came around. The mess hall actually erupted with hollering. Troops bounded to their feet with shocked smiles and just began cheering with all their hearts. The building actually shook. It was just unreal. I was absolutely stunned. Not only for the obvious, but also because I was only two tables away from the podium. There he stood, less than thirty feet away from me! The cheering went on and on and on.

Soldiers were hollering, cheering, and a lot of them were crying. There was not a dry eye at my table. When he stepped up to the cheering, I could clearly see tears running down his cheeks.
Blackfive Dec.04.03

intelligent articulate eminently readable


Joe photolog

I chose to flow with the tides of life, making every effort to focus on the light house on the shore rather than the waves of trouble, guiding me towards my envisioned journey�s destination. I focus on what might be rather than what is not, choosing to see life as a wonderful ride towards the light house of my dreams.
I am proud to serve my country, because I do believe that all men are created equal with certain God given rights to freedom and the pursuit of happiness. I firmly believe that I can make a difference one person at a time. I can, so I do.
I am in my early 50�s, but so young at heart, full of excitement and amazement.
I have served in the Army National Guard for over 30 years, been to two wars and have been part of many great and magical things in places all over the world.
I am an interrogator/debriefer here at a palace in Baghdad, Iraq.
I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, a Mormon and very proud of my ancestors, the pioneers who paid the ultimate price to exercise their right to the freedom of worship.
Chief Wiggles

Major Pain at frontlinevoices
Major Pain's Magic at The Baghdad Cafe

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