
...But of these sophisms and elenchs of merchandise I skill not...
Milton, Areopagitica

Except he had found the
standing sea-rock that even this last
Temptation breaks on; quieter than death but lovelier; peace
that quiets the desire even of praising it.

Jeffers, Meditation On Saviors



Justice Scalia told a gathering in Chicago that any judge who did not believe in the death penalty should resign. Some judges have said that the death penalty represents "cruel and unusual punishment" and is thus unconstitutional.

"Abolition has taken its hold in post-Christian Europe," Justice Scalia said. He argued that non-believers in Europe found death frightening because they did not believe in an afterlife, but that in America stronger religious beliefs meant that the death penalty was seen as acceptable.

"For the believing Christian, death is no big deal," he added. "I do not find the death penalty immoral."

{leave aside the obvious hypocrisy, the lack of joyful celebration as young children are sent to heaven by violent death or disease, ask any upstanding Christian why exactly Jesus Christ was killed. immediate mumbo-jumbo about saving our souls. then say, ok but what reason did the people who killed him give? blank stares. nothing but blank stares. they don't know. it's not covered in the Bible. and it's never talked about in churches.
only now of course the great hive-mind churns toward its own defense and within days they'll have some kind of insect response ready.

but the truth is he was executed by the state, given the death penalty, and why? for rocking the boat, pure and simple, for challenging the power structure of his moment. for being a radical. for getting in the way of the vampire suck that was in place. the roman equivalent of present state government, aided by the big men of Jerusalem, put him to death for getting in their way. just as modern 'christians' like Scalia and Ashcroft and their wimp-cohort would and are doing, and more dangerously, are about to do on a much larger scale.}

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