
...But of these sophisms and elenchs of merchandise I skill not...
Milton, Areopagitica

Except he had found the
standing sea-rock that even this last
Temptation breaks on; quieter than death but lovelier; peace
that quiets the desire even of praising it.

Jeffers, Meditation On Saviors



Richard Bennett's Omphalos
his top 10 reasons for not being a libertarian:

America isn't France: we don't do runoffs.
{specious even if valid}
You can't privatize everything: nuclear power, in particular, needs to be run by government or not at all.
The Free Market doesn't give a damn about the environment.
{severely valid}
The social safety net is a moral imperative, so we have to make it work as well as we can.
{warmly valid}
Most often, the truths of politics lie in the middle and not at the extremes.
{irelevant even if valid. most of the time so what. missing the one exceptional but crucial time could render all the other accurate truths moot}
The only force big enough to control big business is big government.
{pretty much yeah valid, if 'the people' can be lumped in with b.g.}
Freedom has to be balanced against justice, or the strong will exploit the weak.
{the conscienceless strong}
Some truths are self-evident: two-parent families are the best means for raising children that will ever be devised.
{this is why I put this up. I think he's only contrasting 'alternative' lifestyle 'families' with the nuke ones. but obviously the old tribal way of a small close-knit genetically linked and still diverse mutually dependent group of say 15-30 individuals plus kids is the best. it's just so far from most people's experience now, except in that Disney/Tom Sawyer 'commune' way. I'm talking about the weight of tradition and living close to the ground. these arguments are like the 'debates' on smoking from 40 years ago. a mark of submission to even participate.}
Harry Browne is a libertarian.
{have to check on of time.... and did. so? he's not that dumb on first perusal. there's a real glut of megalo-egghead chumleys on the blognet. (fimoculous, this guy) I think it's that temptation of finally, finally, real people can see and recognize your massive weight and lightning wit. but it wears off pretty quick or should. as with any art humility is vital even in the heat of Promethean creation and there's this consistent chattering presumption on way too many blogs/sites. so, Harry Browne's ok. so far. to me. kind of.}
Libertarians are juvenile.
{juveniles with large vocabularies and a rudimentary grasp of the servicability of logic based on false premises}

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