
...But of these sophisms and elenchs of merchandise I skill not...
Milton, Areopagitica

Except he had found the
standing sea-rock that even this last
Temptation breaks on; quieter than death but lovelier; peace
that quiets the desire even of praising it.

Jeffers, Meditation On Saviors



Want to make a million bucks? Here you go.
Get one of those private spaceplanes, and get a snowboard kind of thing with little rockets on it. And take millionaires up for a million a pop. And drop em off out in zero-G space. And go away far enough the plane's just a dot of light amongst the myriad. Zoom Ricky!
A couple of hours of that and back to Earth.
This is a by-product of a thought experiment about light.
We almost never see light, we see reflected light. I'm talking here about natural light not man-made. Primary sources are the sun and other stars and since we can't safely look directly at the sun, the only primary light we see comes from the stars. So I wanted to be able to get the full hit and I thought I'd need to get out and away from everything, and then I thought I'd want something to scoot around on to get back home.
But the main objective was the contemplation of universal radiance. The 360 view.
So there you are and there's stars all over and you see them. So there's your buddy over there a half-mile away floating in his space-suit too, and he sees the same stars you do. That means the light's everywhere, because obviously it's in-between the two of you, and just as obviously it's all around you. Which means what looks like dark empty space is actually filled with light. All the time. And the temptation is to visualize that as a kind of pin cushion where the light points at a central spot from all around but no, it's cross-hatched, it's all over the place, the lines cross each other everywhere too. So the geometry of that is huge and complex and more like a solid than a point-cloud. And I'm emphasizing this, that the universe as we know it and experience it is filled with light, because we were raised and trained to view it as dark and empty. My contention is that this was not an accident, it was intentional. Which doesn't mean that everyone who ever raised a kid to think of dark, empty space was part of some grand conspiracy, but that the original direction was, and that the overall material was censored consistently to fit that template. Because this is a simple fact, and it's easily understood by even young minds, and it produces a vastly different sense of the context of our living than the earth-as-lonely-dot and insignificant-lonely-human of the current paradigm. Living in a universe that's so completely packed with the energy that drives all organic life, energy that's the source of all life on earth, and being aware that that's what we're doing, means having a profoundly different attitude about life; and a different attitude means different decisions.

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